Destination Procrastination

A blog for kids who can’t read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too

Identity Post

For the first term this year we have been working on identity. Last year we worked on world view, which is how you look at the world. Identity is the opposite, it is how the world looks at you. Our driving question is how does the land shape our identity. First, we made a video about Deep Cove where we live and how that shapes our identity. Here is a link to my post and video

For us to learn more about identity and how the land shapes our identity, we looked at other people’s identity who lived in a different geographical location. So we headed off to Alberta. I really found Albert amazing. I loved the scenery and people there, in fact I would love to live there in the future. Anyway it is kind of boring for me to explain what we did so here is a video of Alberta about how their land shaped the identity of the people who live/lived there.

In this unit I learn how the how the land can shape your identity, who you are and what you do. For instance, if a teenager was interested in sciences and he lived in North Vancouver, he might be interested in the marine life because we live by the ocean. Another teenager with the same interest in science but who lives in the Badlands of Alberta might be interested in fossils and dinosaurs instead because of the fossils of dinosaurs where they come from.  This is the same with me and my friend. I met this friend when I was at Cadet camp and he grew up on a farm, ranching and farming. Where he’s from is just outside of Edmonton where there is a lot of farming and agriculture. He knows how to ride a bucking bull and hunt. So that is how the land impacted his identity and point of view. Whereas how the land has impacted my point of view is in North Vancouver there are a lot of mountains near us and the ocean. I’m really interested in camping and the outdoors, and I know how to paddle board. So that’s what has impacted my point of view.


calebe • November 13, 2018

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