Slc stands for student led conference. Which basically means that we have talk in front of our parents and teachers about are learning so far in the year.
They give use a few questions to answer and some parameters that we have to fallow. We had to talk about a goal that we set at the beginning of the year and say how we were doing on it and set a few more goals for the next term. My goal at the beginning of the year was in short to get better at reading. I didn’t complete my exact goal but I did get better at reading in general. My other goal that I set for the next term was
– to read a least six days a week
– to go to at least three advents that I talk in front of a audience
-ant to get more confident it every peace of work I hand in
The question for the slc that we had to answer were
What is the skill that your most improved on?
The skill that I most improved on was my gritting. This I learned to grite a essay and was able to get a lot more structure in my gritting.
The next question was what is the work are you most proud of?
That for me was DI because of the roles that I took. I was the dri (dircly responsible individual) kind like the leader and i and was the may character in the presentation
And the last one was how you have show a growth mind set?
For this one there was not one assignment that I would put on this one but thought out the year I now even my best work can have more and one of the ones that show that the most is probably the field study videos because if I went back I would of changed allot
(I’ll up date this more after it happens)
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