high tech high

High tech High is a school in San Diego, California. It’s was made with the entention to give students a Chang at good learning no matter the family’s earning or the students previous experiences. We visited there and met a few of the students making a quick podcast.

The true purpose of HTH did him me till after the the first day there on our way back to our next event we’ll visiting there we started to talk about the people who we did the podcast with, and personally I didn’t like the people who I did mine with. Not because they where bad people or anything like that they just didn’t seem forced or motivated in any way. With this I said they might want a bit more of an application process because then they would sift out the kids that would be unmotivated, but after saying this to a few class mates and one of my teachers. My teacher reminded me of the point of the school explaining that some times the unmotivated kids need a school like this the most to give them a chance to get engaged, and thinking back on the interview It made a lot of sense that they would be the ones that where unmotivated from talking with friends about there interviews most of them went well but also the students that they interviewed where in the program for longer and everyone in my group one was at the school for a term and a bit. This realization help me understand the schools purpose allot better and what they what the students to get out of it.

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