Job shadow


I recently got the change to go to Norco and shadow the engineers there as a part of a school job shadowing assignment. Using connection through my dad I was able to get. Chance to shadow the produce manager and talk to the engineers there. I was really exited to get my first option to job shadow. The reason why I wanted job shadow here is because I want go it to a job where I was able to help in the design of a product and have a physical object. I’m also a bike allot and having the chance to see where they where designed was interesting to me but it also help to have a common passion so that I could connect with the engineers there and get have them be more comfortable whit talking to me about themselves and there jobs.

Before I went I created a list of question:

What where the steps the business how do you take to get to the point where is today? What was the most important thing that the company needed to do to get the the place where they are at today?

Strong products, staying relevant, relationships, luck with location and reputation

what steps seeing you take do you have product to market? And how long does it take for each of the steps?

discussion design, simple test, revise, engineering ( in other factory ) and test the bike specs

what is the biggest struggle for your business?

time zones

what is the hardest part during design?

first production, political sending off of products, fitting all the components, picking
which compounds

what do you wish you learn in school they didn’t get a chance to?

Business education finance



The question where helpful when ever I got stuck but I found that allot of the time I had a lot of new question to the point where I barely even need the original question list.
The most useful thing that I learn there was probably to go in to a co-op program that helps all well trying to get a engineers job because you get work experience at multiple jobs which helps on resumes and lets you experience different climates of jobs. It also helps with paying for your schooling. For me learning this is probably on of the most helpful thing because I haven’t look much into post secondary education. The other thing that I learned from this is that it is the exact job that I wanted to go into. It’s a job that uses a lot of critical thinking and its a job that encourages creativity.

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