
Near the end of world war two there where two atomic bombs dropped which have dissented us in to an age of fear and will lead to the end of humanity. If they were even a possibility of that why would have this even have occurred. President Truman was the one who decided that it was necessary to drop. He was given the power to make this choice after the previous president died. After being informed of this he was given the choice to launch them, he decided that they where created to be used so why not use them.

To understand the things that fueled that dissection you must look at the creation of the device and that’s what this project was on in particularly the Hanford site for this we created a video looking at the people who where effected to create the bomb.


I believe that its extremely important to look at these events and formulate your own opinion to help the decided your stance on future problems and putting stuff on a global scale will let you have better idea of your values. The first thing that we looked at to help formulate our opinion was to look at the reactions of the nation via the newsreels at the time. We then created on using the style of the newsreel that would be getting shown at the time.

This helped us understand the general beliefs at the time, which at the time seemed positive knowing that the war ended and that the soldiers that where sent over would be able to come back home, but the general public was not as attached to the creation of the bomb and did not have a hand in creating the device that kill hundreds of thousands of people. One of the smaller assignments let use look in to one of these people.

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Leo Szilard was the one who started the hole arms race by informing the U.S. about the bombs that Germany was working on. It would have caused him unimaginable amounts of stress knowing that he was able to change the fat of the world that much. He never intended the U.S. to use the information that he gave them in the ay that they did.

One of the things that challenge my opinion the most was visiting the Hanford site which created the raw metatrails that would go into the bombs. Seeing the people who worked there and still do doing tours of the site makes you realize that passion that drives them. They were extremely proud of what they have done but no matter their opinion I kept mine.

I still believe that the bombs being dropped on japan was unassay. They could have ended the war by simply showing that they have the power. There other worry was that the Germans would gain the edge if they thought that they had a technology that the U.S. didn’t.


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