Tour of the 1950’s

Recently we finished the winter exhibition which is usually reserve for blue sky project, but we did something different this year. Instead of creating personal projects we create a walk though experience. Which was based on the 1950’s and the red scare, using concepts from the crucible and relating it back to modern day issues. This project was created using the hole class to create we started by creating different groups for different aspects of the exhibition. I worked on the creation and the planning of the sets.

I was worried hat the set where going to feel empty because it we had a large area to fill but once it was set up, I personally felt It was pretty good each section had the feel that we where going for and there was imagery of where you where when ever you looked around.

I tickly don’t like acting but as we keep going though the scene, I started to enjoy it more. I still would not do this again, but I think its going to help me I the future to be more open to it.


There was allot of preparation before the exhibition I focused on creating set for the different scene and making sure that there was lay out plan for the exhibition day. We had drawn out the blueprint for the exhibition multiple times but on the exhibition day we ran in to a few issues with our plan because the wall that split the gym in half was not working and just to add on to that we lost another twenty of our one hundred feet of curtain. So, there was a lot of improv on the creation day. Multiple barriers to separate the scenes including choir staging and theatre barriers.

I feel that the final product demonstrated the concept that the world repeats the past mistakes with a new face and that we have to identify the problems and place judgement based on the past.

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