
Disruption is something that is regularly looked at as a negative in our world but the fact is that it’s a neutral word. The reason for this is because we are scared of change because we don’t know what’s to come and disruption causes change. A great example of a positive disruption is in Silicon Valley. If you don’t know about Silicon Valley is a region in California that has given use companies like Tesla, apple, and Twitter. The main reason for this is because that they have a lot of venture capitalist. Which are basically investors looking to fund startups. I got the chance to visit there with my class, visiting places like Twitter, Stamford, and many more.




After visiting we wrote an essay expiring our opinions on disruption. My thesis for this essay was that the world would not be able to change and advance without places like Silicon Valley. Using sources like the Pirates of Silicon Valley ( apple ), the American experience ( Fair Child Semiconductors ), little brother by Cory Doctorow and Tesla. My reason for each very. The reason for me using apple as an example is to have a company that everyone has heard of, and so people understand the magnitude of Silicon Valley. The second one on Fair Child Semiconductors was to relate to the exact thesis of my essay. Fair Child Semiconductors was a company that helps create some of the first ever computers and played a causal role in World War Two helping the USA build missal guiding systems and splitting into smaller companies like Intel which help advance the world. My third point was less of a thought process it was a source that we had to use but it helps enforce the idea that is changing the world which is the fact that a group of like-minded people can change the world. My final point was so that had something about the environment so that if someone doesn’t value the advancements in technology as much as I do then they have a point to relate to. All of these points give a broad idea of silicon valleys values because it let me cover a large audience.


San Diego 


To make this essay though we went on a big adventure to get an understanding of what were going to be writing about. Traveling to San Diego first where we visited the San Diego safari park and high tech high which is a secondary school in California. Well in the safari park I made a video on how it disrupted other zoos ( insert link here ). The safari park is a zoo that is much more about protection of the species that they hold, but even though this is mainly a positive there is a hard truth behind it with help to expand my view one stuff. For the zoo to keep its doors open they need funding and trying to just save animals that are endangered would mean that they wouldn’t be able to keep funding up. So they have to hold some animals to just entertain so that they get funding. This idea helps people, in general, understand some negative of a rather positive situation and vice versa.


The other large place that we visited was High Tech High. Which is a school that has the goal of giving every student a chance at god learning no matter there past, race or economic value. we join a few of there classes and look at a school that functions completely by the PBL ( project based learning ) idea. Because PLP use PBL too not much surprised me but what did surprise me was how much they discussed politics. We where there we joined in on one of there weekly activities called media Monday where the discus stuff that the students found in the new and they can bring in any article. There was also murals and project across the walls depicting politic views and I think that the fact that they are able to express their opinions is really good because it lets that see more sides and formulate new ideas.


San Jose


             After visiting San Diego we went to San Jose where we visited the computer history museum and Stanford. Definitely one of the highlights for me was the computer history museum. I’ve always been interested in electronics and how computers work. I always understood how they work in concept but it was not until I saw the computers that told paper in that I really understood how they worked. It was also amazing to see some of the humble beggings of the modern computers.


Stanford was also an amazing experience getting to see where companies like Google were able to start. At Stanford, it was also cool to see what happens when you apply ideas like looking at the individual rather than looking at marks or the achievements in a single subject. I personally only have been to a few university/colleges but none of them were like Stanford. It feels more like a town rather than a campus.


San Francisco


After San Jose we took a train down to the main city San Francisco where we went on a tour of the city and learn about its past and when on a tour at twitters HQ. I honestly was a bit shock on the tour because the idea of all the history being based in one spot was surprising to me. We learned about the women’s right movement, gay rights movement and the hippy movement. With in one small area and the fact that the are people who are just living around something that feels like it should be a museum is amazing.

One of the final places that we visited was twitter where we got to get a look a the workspace of Twitter. During the tour, I found it cool that the external image matched up pretty well to there internal one. With art all around the offices and art pieces with some of there most popular hashtags.


If you want to learn more about the trip check out the book that I will link below asap.

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