New Zealand in WWII

WWII was a war that effected everyone around the world, but we only look at how it effected the big players in the war but what about the other ones. For this project we looked at 10 different country’s. I personally research New Zealand because I wasn’t there on the day that the group where chosen and allot of my dads side family is from New Zealand so I was interested in what they did.
In 1939 New Zealand declared war against Germany after the invasion of Poland. One of the more surprising things was the support from home. They never put in conscription but yet they still hade over 140,000 troops fight for the cause. With a population of 1.5 million that was a lot of people how where willing to go to a war across the world. Well making the project I decided to focus on how the war effected the people back home because the ones how went to fight mostly acted under British command.
The main problem with doing research on New Zealand in the war was the fact that there was barely any reliable resources out there. The main one that I used the New Zealand government website which was good because I Knew the facts where coming from a trusted source but it meant that every fact that I got was filled and the perspective of the public was not in there much and not exactly trustable.
The second problem that I came into was that I’m not exactly the fastest reader or writer, which was a big part of this project. So to salve this I created a layout that would help fill in space and make separate sections to split up the information. Which worked, but I still had a hard time filling in the separate pages and I didn’t have any that I could do to fix that other than just doing my best.
Overall I was able to learn about something that I didn’t know that much about, but the most important thing was the realization that I should work on my reading and writing over the summer and that I should try to work in groups with a good writing so I am able to do more stuff that I’m comfortable with like creating media and construction of the site.

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