Humans vs Nature?
Hello people this is the first humanities blog post of the year so this project was “People and The Environment”. This project was about people and environment and how they interact. The driving question: “ How Do People And The Environment Affect Each Other”. And all get to the answer later.
So the purpose of this project was to send a letter about a environmental issue in BC (British Columbia) so I wrote to: The Honourable John Horgan. About forest fire smoke polluting our air and the general world.
Here are some photos of my letter from first to final drafts.
We did a lot of Commonlits this project commonlits are usually story’s on the website commonlit and we read those story’s and responded to said story’s using certain criteria and such. One of the commonlits that we did was using evidence with context basically say something give backstory or context, and then use evidence from said story to back your point. For example if I said that school is dumb I would have to elaborate on that like school is dumb because… . So now you now what that means its time for learning expectations?
So PLP humanities has change stuff to “Learning Expectations” whether that make it harder to write these things remains to be seen
So here is learning expectation #1:Know
The criteria for this being identify a specific topic of interest to research and identify specific audiences and work together to identify a target goal. So this stuff was mostly based for the letter as we had to pick a specific person to write to and research our topic and find evidence. I feel like I showed both of these skills as I found a audience to write to this person being John Horgan. As for the other one I researched my topic and found accurate data to integrate into my letter my topic was forest fire smoke and how that effects air pollution levels in BC and found that forest fire smoke is the 2nd largest source of fine particulate matter.
Learning expectation #2 understand curricular competencies
Use strategies to analyze text recognize roles of context and perspectives in text, recognize how texts use literary devices to enhance meaning.
I think this one was about the commonlits that we did as we had multiple commonlits with context and perspectives such as the “writing lesson: introducing evidence with context”. I know how to do this now because I can use context. For example. The the corner store was sold today because its business was not good.
The 3rd learning expectation was Big Ideas
Reflect assess and refine texts to improve clarity, effectiveness and impact for purpose, audience, message.
We had to use everything we learned from the commonlits and apply that to our letter for this skill the older members of PLP critiqued our letters and gave us feedback and then we applied that feed back to our letters and then we revised revised and revised some more. So what I learned about this is that it all comes together everything we did we had to apply to our letter.
So now it’s time for the answer to the driving question yay. So again the driving question was: “ How Do People And The Environment Affect Each Other”. I think how they effect each other is we humans take from the earth and rarely give back for every 100,00 trees cut down maybe 5 are replanted. Soon the earth will run out and we will die but the earth the earth could heal without us. So we need to stop taking non renewable resources from the earth. The earth for the most part only effects us in a positive way where as we do almost nothing but negatives in return.
So after all that here is me and my friend putting our letters into a mail box
So now the final thing bye
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