tPOL 2024

Welcome to my tPOL 


Parental Introduction  

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Hello and welcome to this years tPOL, a tPOL is transitional presentation of learning of why were ready to advance to the next grade level. How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade? Is the driving question so let’s dive into it!



Agency: Completing Evidence 

I pick completing evidence as my Agency success because all of my assignments were handed in on time this year (except for two but we don’t have to talk about that) I felt the reason I the deadlines assigned to me was because I used both Things and Reminders to set myself up for success. Using the system that worked for me which was having redundancy I would add an assignment or to-do into both Things and Reminders using Reminders to send me a notification as to when I should start that task. While this may not be the most traditional or PLP way of organizing it works and suits my personal preferences. (Yes I know you can use things to send reminders) 

Compared to last year when I handed in things a few days late this is a pretty good improvement having the reminders redundancy really helps me because I can be a very forgetful person so having Reminders send me a Ping notification helps me refocus and dial in. I use a similar strategy for taking breaks from screens and going to bed a reasonable hour and I adapted that system to fit my School Work. 

An example of this would be the Debate project, and Winter Exhibition 

Communication and Collaboration:  Technology 

Now this is something that I have definitely struggled with in the past misuse of technology in the classroom this year I have been much better with it however I still sometimes get sidetracked onto my phone. What helped me this year was a new mindset of “hey this grade 11 you gotta dial in”. What’s also helped was getting two bead bracelets in New Mexico which I wear everyday and give me something fiddle with while teachers are lecturing. The final thing that helps was I began taking ADHD medication which helps me focus on one thing like the teacher talking, or homework afterschool. Now that being said there have been a couple of times where I needed a reminder to get back on track with whatever task I am doing. But this is a huge improvement from last year when I was super distracted and not paying attention. With this new in class focus I am less confused on instructions 😅 and am able to complete work following the criteria. A project I picked was Fear Factor in which my friend Declan and I made a podcast about the Cold War. This project didn’t involve a lot of in-class teacher talking but more just work periods and we were following our own track because of this it was a good test to make sure we were hitting our set goals and deadlines to be able to hand in the final project on time 

Behind the Iron Curtain

Conduct and Integrity: Respect 

Respecting and listening to my peers is something that I have struggled with in the past in the sense that I have a tendency to cut off people before they are done speaking by 2-3 words or I interrupt the group by going “OOOO I have an idea” This year I tried to work on that and just let others take their time to finish speaking. Because after I was cut off from speaking a few times I realized that it was really frustrating and I didn’t want others to feel that frustration. 

Socratic Seminar and the Lord of the Flies book discussion are both examples as I tried my best to not interrupt others 


Moving into next year, I want to build on my success this year by addressing and improving upon some of my struggles. One area where I found myself consistently challenged was in giving constructive critique to my peers. Often, I felt as though I couldn’t identify any flaws within a person’s work. While this might seem like a positive, it left me feeling not necessarily inadequate but just a little bad for the person, especially when they would offer me insightful suggestions. I would typically respond with something like, “Hey, this looks good,” without being able to provide more substantial feedback. For next year I want to improve my ability to offer constructive feedback to my friends and classmates. I can work on this over the summer as at my job I will be working with kids and can offer them tips to improve their skills which would be good practice come September


My biggest improvement this year would definitely be my focus and attention and I felt that this allowed me to manage my time better as reasons listed above. So I am ready to advance to the next grade level because I have improved my time management, attention in class, and behaviours in group discussions to make me a more effective learner! 


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