I’m Bored #2

When your bored and you know clap your hands 👏👏👏👏👏

Hello and welcome back to a I’m bored blog post todays topic is IDKish

Today’s one I’m going to be using a emoji generator to tell a story (kind of like

Blogging challenge day 7) anyways enjoy

So in the 7845 littering was illegal 

But one ☀️ day a random person named Sylvester littered he was put on trial but he escaped using a tennis🎾 and then he went home to his partner and 😘 them and then left moments later the 👮‍♀️ broke in and accidentally killed Sylvester partner once Sylvester heard the news he was very 😞 so sad that he bought lots and lots of 🍔 and buried him self in them 


Readers: RIP  Sylvester


Anyways thanks for reading 

Don’t forget that I’m still bored and that your bored and we’re bored 

Cheese bored 



Goodbye and remember that Carter=Bored 

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