Pumpkins and Put downs

Primary students listened to a book called The Bumpy Little Pumpkin, and talked about how both people and pumpkins come in all shapes and sizes, and that is what makes them interesting! In the story there are 3 sisters who are selecting a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.  The two older sisters are not very kind to the little sister.  We talked about using kind words and words that make us feel sad (put downs.) We brainstormed words that we had been told that made us sad, just like the girl in the story. Next we will talk about words that make us feel good (compliments.)

Photo Credit Kathy McGraw http://www.squidoo.com/halloween-pictures


Wishing for new Books

You will notice a new page on the blog.  The Wish List!  This is where the books that kids ask for and we don’t have 🙁 and the books that I think should be in the library are listed.  If you have a suggestion for a book you would love to have in the library, check the list and if it is not there, leave me a comment and I’ll add it!

Some titles you have asked for:


Are there other books you are wishing for?




We’re Off!

Students have now all been to the library and had a chance to check out a book.  For now, until I get the library under control, students may check out only one book at a time.

We have been learning how to remove books from the shelf, how to use a shelf marker, and how to choose a just right book.



Read one page of your book.  If you can’t read 2-3 words it is just right.  If you can’t read more than 3 words it is too difficult, if you can’t read only 1 word it is too easy.


I have also set up a Cove Cliff Wish list on Amazon.ca which is linked here.   If you would like to donate a book to the library it would be most appreciated!

Welcome Back!

You will have noticed a lot of changes in our library, including a new Teacher Librarian.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all, and to learning together.  Stay posted for information about our library and what you can do to help make it great!

-Mrs. Fraenkel

Books, Books, Books!

The links below will take you  to either online books, author websites, sometimes they are book based games, or if you are really stuck for what to read, a suggestion for what to read next.

Happy Reading!

Online Books

Series Websites
