Caught in the Middle

It’s never a good idea to say you’ll do something without actually knowing what it is. For this blog post we had to research something to do with the Laurier Era, or Canada pre World War I and I decided to research Sir Wilfrid Laurier, himself. I had most of my research done, but still didn’t know how I was going to present my info when I asked a class mate for an idea. I had originally thought about doing a review on him, in the style of a movie review but this seemed too boring to me, so she suggested  I try to do an honest trailer. I didn’t know what that was, but it sounded like a challenge, that if I pulled off would be very cool. Later that day I asked Ms. Willemse about the idea and she thought I should do it, so I was all excited about this project…until I looked up honest trailers and had no clue what to do. They were all so funny, and I’m really not a funny person, plus since they were based off of movies (obviously), so they were all made up of footage from the movies they were about. I had no footage of Laurier, so I knew it would have to be animated in explain everything. I worked on it for at least 10 hours, if not more, and this is how it turned out.
*Spoiler alert,*it’s more like a strange Explain Everything with a few bad attempts at humour, than an honest trailer.

As you can tell, it doesn’t really seem like an honest trailer, but it still did present some interesting information about Laurier. This blog post definitely taught me a lesson, don’t tell Ms. Willemse an idea for an assignment unless you actually understand what your idea is. Also, doing honest trailers on historical figures is hard. But I quite enjoyed making it, because it both allowed me to practice with a few editing apps (explain everything and iMovie), and I got to dig in deeper into a topic that I knew nothing about!

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