Creating a Sonnet

Constructing a Sonnet
The place I rumble is my very own park
It is there were I walk my rounded pet
20 years from now they will see my mark
Below the plywood lies my tattered net
I shoot till I no longer feel my limb
I play my game to simply hear the swish
Not the dreadfulness of a clanking rim
To never miss a shot is my only wish
Somedays I fell every jump that makes me sore
I might be tall but I am not that tall
To maneuver the trees is the only way to score
To succeed the puppet has to be the ball 
I have always loved to play this fun game
Maybe one day it will bring me some fame

Creating a sonnet require a lot of brainstorming and a little bit of patience. I used some techniques and organization skills to help create my sonnet. I faced some difficulties through out the process.

One of the techniques I used was counting on my fingers the amount of syllables to produce a 10 syllable line. I organized words that rhymed with each other that related to my topic as you can see.


The challenges I faced creating this project was understanding the rhyming scheme and the imbecile pentameter. I had to do research for both this problems. The rhyming scheme was easily researched and it goes like this. A-B-A-B-C-D-C-D-E-F-E-F-G-G

After I finished the rhyming scheme I worked on the iambic pentameter which was difficult. I total failed with my ability to correctly follow the guidelines. The guidelines are you have to have 5 unstressed syllables and 5 stressed syllables alternating in each line. In my poem on the lines there was no pattern to the stressed and unstressed syllables (The place I rumble is my very own park). The poem should of sounded more like this (Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?)

Overall the makings of my sonnet was a bit of a steeping stone to create a more successful sonnet next time. To improve I will have to plan my sonnet out even more and writing it with the full understanding of the imbecile pentameter.

Here is a good video for creating sonnets.

One comment

  1. Petra Willemse

    This is an amazing post. You have absolutely nailed the expectations for this assignment and gone beyond them. This shows 110% effort. I’m so proud of you.

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