What I have Learned This Year – SLC

First I would like to say I have enjoyed this year in PLP from the trips to time and class and going to the ERAC conference. Now back to my SLC. This blog post will tell the story of my learning throughout this year. To do this I will show you three piece of work that demonstrate my growth mindset, growth as a learner and the piece of work I am most proud of.
I will start with a piece of work that demonstrates my learning that is my response journals. Which portrayed my achievement of my goal to improve my writing. I have gotten leaps and bounds better with my writing skills as I fully understand how a paragraph should be structured. My essay writing and the ability to create a good thesis that connect to style or ideas has enhanced my writing a lot. These new skills solved my greatest problems in writing which was when I had an idea I wasn’t able to get it down on the page right or the way I want it to be perceived. Now I feel when I have an idea I can write it down and people understand the message I am trying to say. I still have work to do with my writing skills but I have taken large steps in achieving my writing goals.

Response Journal
The bane of my existence Destination Imagination. Well that’s what I thought at first. Destination Imagination DI for short really help develop and show my growth mindset. I was forced to do this project that required full enthusiasm to succeed so I had to make a choice finish the project and not really care about it, learn nothing and hate the time I spent on it or try hard just for the sake of trying hard, learn something and make myself enjoy working on it. I choose to work hard and I benefited as I gained skills in teamwork, perseverance and creativeness which I will note are also skills I have learned in sports.










The piece of work I am most proud of is the optional poetry parody assignment. This parody assignment produced something great because one it was optional and two Zak stepped up his game on this project. The optional part made it feel less of burden and more of a challenge so we put more work into it. We accepted the challenge. Zak did the editing for the project and I did the bulk of the script writing.

 Parody Poem


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