2015/2016 Year End SLC

First I will say this was an awesome school year. PLP is one of the many things that have made this an awesome year for me. Now onto my SLC. For this conference I will show you two pieces or work. One I am proud of that shows effort and growth and one that I could of done better on.



Alright let’s start with bad news something I could of improved on. I had a lot of options when choosing this one. Almost everyone of my projects I could of improved in some way. I ended up going with my LBS about the Selma bridge. This was not best work for multiple reasons but I have learned from mistakes and will improve on them in the future. My first problem was my plan, unlike my other LBS I really winged this one. While I was in Selma all I knew was I was going to do something on the bridge. So I didn’t have an image of what I wanted the video to look like. I didn’t have the background information on the bridge either so I didn’t know what parts were interesting so I could film certain things or ask certain questions that would enhance my video. I will definitely try to avoid that situation again by being more prepared so I can act on my feet armed with my knowledge. This was due to a lack of effort which would of been easily avoidable. It is shame as well because I was able to get some great clips but didn’t do enough of the little things to make this project great. From now on I will try to be more prepared when I enter a new environment so I can get the full learning outcome and experience.IMG_7462 IMG_7338



LBS A Name Worth Keeping



Now let’s Move onto the good news a piece of work that I am proud of. This is a little bit of recency bias, but I went with my blue sky project, the Basketball Moon Boots. I am proud of this project not because of my final product but of how much I learned during the creation of it. I acquired new skills and information working with actually products such as silicon and making molds. I also learned about the commitment it takes to make something new even if it’s a variation of something else. This project took 20+ hours and I ended up with a really big silicon shoe. That silicon shoe was nothing to laugh at though. It worked but could’ve used some improvements for sure. Also working with Nash, Roger and Warren made this experience really enjoyable. That is one of the reason’s why it turned out pretty well is because I really enjoyed working on this project.FullSizeRender-9 FullSizeRender-10

Blue Sky: Basketball Moon Boot


Now it’s time to talk about my goals. Ooops! It seems I didn’t make any goals last SLCs so here I will appease you with one of my personal goals. Well I have cut down on wasting a lot of time which has been a goal of mine. I have cut out video media consumption which has been a really positive for me. NO youtube, netflix or video games unless it is for school. This has given me more time to work on my school projects and basketball. That is one of the reasons I think I have had a successful 2nd half of the year.


That is the conclusion of my SLC and a great year in PLP and school. I would like to thank  Ms. Willemse, Mr. Hughes, my parents and my brother for helping me learn and enjoy this year so much.


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