SLC Spring 2017

Welcome to another instalment of my learning portfolio.  Hopefully you can see my evolution as a learner during my grade 11 year. I have had an interesting year so far in flight as I have had my fare share ups and downs.

To demonstrate my learning I have chosen three pieces of work.

Starting of with the good news, I will show the piece of work I am most proud of.

This piece of work was most welcomed by others. I received positive feedback from teachers, peers and parents. This project taught me about conscription and about other key parts of World War 1 in Canada. This project also taught me some intangible skills about presentations. Our group was given a pretty mundane topic relative to the other groups but we still had to find a way to engage the audience. We were able to create a plan to raise intrigue of the audience by choosing the most energetic event of our topic and making that a focal point. Of course that focal point was the conscription is not fair rally. I learned that you can easily manipulate an audience to be more receptive of your presentation by focusing on key points that engages the audience.

My second piece of work is the one that best demonstrates my growth as a learner is my soldier diary’s. My first diary I attempted to make an immersive vivid picture of my soldiers life but fell short in some areas. I didn’t add enough descriptive word so through out the journal entry I was telling where in my second attempt I was showing.

“My mind drifts while I am in the sky, thinking about a dog fight over seas in the battle of Vimy. I have become adept at the aerial combat moves which I will use to eliminate the enemy Air Force. I imagine the same battle over and over again.”

I could of changed it to sound more like…

“My mind drifts as the frigid air pierces my wool scarf and burns my face cold. I drift to thinking about a dog fight over seas in the glorious battle of Vimy. I practice the same ariel move over and over, ease of the accelerator and tense my forearms as I pull the control stick towards myself. I imagine the same battle over and over again.”

Show not tell

Thats what I did when I created my second soldier post. This shows I learned as a writer to be more descriptive to increase immersion.

My third piece of work shows my ability to have a growth mindset. That was my Kaboom project about the halifax explosion. When I was doing the project I failed to see the value in what we are learning but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get anything out of doing the project.

“This was a very successful project in a video making point of view, but I didn’t really understand the learning outcome of this project just seemed like useless information about a disaster. I didn’t receive any context that would help me conceptualize the war other then some ships had a lot explosives and the Halifax harbour was poorly managed. So all in all I learned how to be a news anchor and about a human disaster.”

This was my description of what I reflected on my project on my other blog post. As you saw from my attitude I had a negative view of the project. Despite my view I stuck with it and put some effort in and in the end I soaked in a lot of information about film making from Toms dad and my classmates.

Finally my goals or in my case goal. I have decided to make one goal not to make things easier just to make sure that that goal gets done. My goal is for the rest of the year to read 5 books outside of class. This is a small achievable step on improving my English. I am hoping for a snowball effect. Maybe it will spark an interest in reading more literature and inevitable improve my english.

Another SLC in the books see you in couple months. YES!



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