The Mexican American War

Michael, Nash and I created a video on the Mexican American War. This video highlights the conflicts,why they happened and what happened in the war.

The creation of the video. The video started with two rough copies made separately by Michael and Nash on the war. Then we got put together in a group to create the ultimate video. We used Michael’s video as the base and added to it using some of Nash’s video scenes and making new ones. So I kinda hopped on the already moving train with Michael and Nash. 

The positives of the video was are animations, content and flow. Our animations were great as Michael and Nash are both very good at creating fluid animations. We had good scenes were baby’s popped up and demonstrated population growth and bullets moving to demonstrate gun shots. The content that the video had was on topic and allowed the viewer to understand what happened and why. The flow of are video was good as we moved in logical order from the start to the end of the war and inputting info at certain points so the viewer could understand why it’s is happening. Such as at the end when it says America won the war we explained why, because of there superior weapons and supply’s.

The things we could improve on for the video were audio and more but less. The audio was recorded mostly without a mic making background noise. There was also some mic pops when we recorded with the mic. The way we could improve on that is with preparation. Write down exactly what you are going to say and be prepared to make a perfect recording. This is important because you get flustered when you say the wrong thing. So you end up taking a recording that is ok instead of good because you just don’t want to do it again. The more is less idea is key for an engaging video. We could of condescend our content more and added cooler and more animations to make a better video.

Overall I liked and succeed at this project. My group created a good video that wasn’t perfect but pretty good. I learned a lot about explain everything and the subject I was researching.

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