Blue Sky: Finished Casino Kings

For this project I had to create a driving question. The question I had to answer for this project was, Can I create a euro game that someone can understand and play in under an hour. To answer this question I had to construct a board game. I made instructions and collected all the pieces. The instructions were a little hellish and took the most amount of time. The pieces were stolen from other games I had but the hard part were the cards which I sinked a good three and half hours into creating. I also had to play test it so it would be balanced. I learned a lot from this project especially the revision skill. I had to do a lot of revision to create this project as many components of the game wouldn’t be entertaining or work without tweaking. If the game is to basic its not engaging if the game is to complex it is unpractical. So I tried to find a place in the middle but leaned slightly to the complex side. I am super proud of this project because I thought I put a lot of effort into this project which I didn’t think I had the ability to do.

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