Synthesis Essays’s Teach You A Lot

Hello! It has been a while since my last blog post so I might be a little rusty with my reflective skills. You might think that I will start my blog series this year with a big bang, sadly you are wrong. This blog post I will be taking you through the process I did to create a synthesis essay I did in my Humanities class. I read two books and created a Venn diagram, outline and a final product during the creation of my essay. I had many challenges with this assignment, but I grew a lot as a writer.
The first thing I did was read a graphic novel Escape From Gold Mountain and part 1 of 3 “Jook-Liang” of the novel The Jade Peony. Both books revolved around the perspective of early North American Chinese immigrants finding there way in Canada and The United States. The books highlighted racism and discrimination to minority groups and their battle for equity and equality.

The Next step was creating a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and differences between the books so I could write about something.

There are a lot of similarities between the two books which made it a perfect candidate for a synthesis essay.
After I finished my Venn diagram I moved on to my outline which was the most time consuming and thought provoking part of this process.

The first thing I had to do was write a thesis. In Escape to Gold Mountain by David Wong and “Jook-Liang, Only Sister” from The Jade Peony By Wayson Choy, the fiction and historically based genre, sad and forgiving mood and the foils to reveal personality all convey the meaning of how discrimination that spawns hardship makes minority groups a tight knit community as they persevere. I had to revise this sentence frequently and change things here and there. This wasn’t my final product as I made the thesis even broader to fit all my ideas under one umbrella. In Escape to Gold Mountain by David Wong and “Jook-Liang, Only Sister” from The Jade Peony By Wayson Choy, the fiction and historically based genre, sad and forgiving mood and foil characters used to reveal personality all convey the meaning of how discrimination that spawns hardship makes minority group people have a desire for a tight knit community as they persevere. I came up with good ideas and strong supporting information for my essay as well.
I then came up with my final product by filling in the skeleton that my outline made. My essay had a good flow, the order of my essay was from least to most important leaving with a bang as I connected my ideas with my supporting paragraphs.

The learning outcome from doing this essay was substantial as I learned how to write a synthesis essay, use quotes properly and effectively in synthesis essays, create a strong thesis and I practiced writing. I was also challenged by all of this as my writing skills are raw in those areas. I enjoyed this project solely based on how much I learned.

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