Audio is the Key to a Scene

In a galaxy far far away there was student by the name of Chris Ross created a stop motion Star Wars film. I created a stop motion to answer my driving question for my blue sky project. 

This is the criteria for the project but we had to put a Star Wars spin on it.
  Using simple materials can I portray the emotion and feel of the Star Wars scene I am trying to re and act? With out accesses to awesome visual effects can I use other tools(audio) to make my video have the same feel as the real scene? My video answers this question and also shows how I made it.
What I learned from doing this project is how hard a hand drawn stop motion is to create. 
I also learned that good audio can really enhance a videos mood so much so that I would say it is more important then what is put on screen. The mood of a scene is really determined by the audio and you can really see this in this video made by blank. This video was shown to us by my teachers before we started the project so that is where I got my inspiration from. So that lesson of how a boom and whistle are essential to making a video into an immersive scene is the most important lesson I will take away from this project. 

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