⚖️The Egalitarian Party of Canada⚖️

   Vote EPC! Do it. I dare you. Kidding, kind of. Welcome to my political persuasion post. Again, I’m half kidding. Over the past week we’ve (Fraser H, Kaia R, Emily M, and myself) thrown together a campaign for a party that is embedded with our beliefs and values. The Egalitarian Party of Canada is determined to better our country for the future. I know how that sounds, like literally every other party. 

   The term egalitarian refers to the belief in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. Our press release, which by the way you’re the first to see public, is a concise description that we hope clearly gets our focus across. What separates us from all the other parties, those with drastically different views, and those with views so similar you can barely tell the difference, is our 3 big ideas. 


   In recent years, we’ve seen increased diversity in governments, the thing to remember is that we’ve basically started with the majority being old white men, so increasing from there isn’t hard. What we’re promising is the opportunity and education for minorities that we and Canadians think need to have larger, stronger voices in the government. For example, the lack of Indigenous peoples in our government, most obviously the federal government, is appalling. An example of what we’re looking to do comes from the government system in New Zealand, where they set aside a certain amount of seats in their House of Parliament for the Māori community. If we guaranteed seats in Parliament to Inuit, Métis, and/or First Nations, we’d finally have the much needed representation in Parliament. Mind you, this is only one example of the kind of increased diversity we are determined to implement, there’s much more to be done. 


   Circling back to the multitude of old white men in Parliament and our federal government, we also have an electoral system older than all of them. First past the post voting has been in action for every Canadian election ever. 1867-2021, every single election. The EPC thinks a new electoral system is long overdue. Proportional representation is nothing new in the media. In Trudeau’s original 2015 campaign he stated that he would change to proportional representation as soon as possible. Obviously that has yet to happen, but we are determined to implement it as soon as possible. One of my group mates or more professionally, fellow members of the EPC, Fraser, wrote a post on proportional representation and it’s a great reference if you want to dive deeper. 

geralt / Pixabay


   Last, but certainly not least, we don’t want to increase taxes on the rich, at least not as much as other parties plan to. For what I guess are logical reasons, many parties are very clear on their plans to tax the ultra rich, but if we’re speaking literally, there are less than 20 “ultra rich” people in Canada. Even if they just want to tax those who are in the highest tax bracket, why not give an option. The EPC believes that instead of simply taking from upper class citizens we should encourage philanthropy. The money can either end up in government programs through raised taxes, or through charity. People like to know where their money is going, with the ability to donate to social programs, a concept that already exists, we feel no need to raise taxes to the extremes. 

nattanan23 / Pixabay

   Now that you know what makes us stand out, and have more in depth information on our plan, I’m sure you can see why we’d make a great government. We have strong beliefs and stronger plans to implement what Canada needs. In my last post, I spoke about the disappointment I felt in the lack of change the 2021 election brought us. Trudeau simply wanted more power and to work less with other parties. With the increased diversity and proportional representation we are determined to implement, we can ensure that after an election, Canadians won’t feel disappointment, rather a sense of security and equality for all our voices. Vote EPC. 

– C


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