✰SBC Week 7: Emojis✰
Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night! Wherever you are and whatever time it is welcome to week 7 of the SBC! This week was all about emoji’s. As a fan of the emoji’s that I use in my daily… Continue Reading
Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night! Wherever you are and whatever time it is welcome to week 7 of the SBC! This week was all about emoji’s. As a fan of the emoji’s that I use in my daily… Continue Reading
Good day to all my readers and welcome to week 6 of the SBC! This week is all about schools around the world. We’ve been tasked with asking our readers what school is like for them. Whether that meant… Continue Reading
Hello and welcome back! This week’s SBC task is to talk about our earth! April 22nd 2020 marks 50 years of Earth Day. This means that for half a century we have been celebrating the earth and spreading awareness… Continue Reading
Bonjour, and welcome to week 4 of SBC! This week we were given a free choice, which basically means I can write a post about anything I want and use the time to catchup on other work, which believe… Continue Reading
Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 2020 Spring Student Blogging Challenge! This weeks challenge is all about having fun with photos! I’ve decided to show examples of photos that I created and belong to me as well… Continue Reading
Welcome back ladies and germs. I usually have a more creative intro but I think it’s necessary to welcome every single organism out there, including coved-19. All coronavirus jokes aside, welcome to yet another DI portfolio post. Destination Imagination has… Continue Reading
Hey guys! Welcome back for another PGP related post! Yes this is in fact the highly anticipated post all about take your kid to work day. I was so excited for this entire experience and the project that went along… Continue Reading
Confederation! Gooooooood morning, Vietnam! Just kidding its more like good morning Canada, well I guess 1867 Canada. What kind of intro was that? Valid question considering it came from basically nowhere. Well allow me to guide you through the… Continue Reading
Hello ladies and gentlepeople and welcome to this years very first presentation of learning. This is only my third time taking part of mPOL’s and I’m much more comfortable with the situation compared to last year. I think that… Continue Reading
Hello ladies and gentlepeople and welcome back to the late night show with me. No, I’m not anywhere as cool as Stephen Colbert but I’m trying so please, cut me some slack. We are now continuing from where… Continue Reading