Quilting the Battle


Making my quilt was pretty fun. Once we got the story sorted out and decided what everyone in my groups quilt would be we got to start quilting. I was excited to start but first I had to learn how to quilt. I got a couple pieces of fabric, figured out how to sew, and then started. I got the hang of it pretty quickly and was ready to start working on my quilt.

I started off with a blank quilt and was ready to do my best to make my quilt tell my part of the story. My quilt is supposed to represent the battle between Bellator and the king which you can read about at the end of this post.

The Start


I then started working really hard to make my quilt. I first made the swirly line to help show how the crown was falling.

You can watch some of the creation here. Swirly line Timelapse

It was actually quite hard to make the line swirly and I did make a couple mistakes but I just kept trying hard and eventually got the hang of it. One of the hardest things about making this line was lining up all the stitches to form the swirl.

Next I lined the inside of the crown with gold string. I decided to challenge myself and use the shiny string (which was significantly harder to use) to give the crown a nice shimmer.

You can watch more of the creation here. Crown lining Timelapse

Finally I was getting close to finishing. Next I added blue and green sequins onto the crown to make it look bejeweled. I had to figure out how to put the sequins on and it took my a while but I was eventually able to figure it out and found it quite easy.Finished Crown

Once I was done with the crown I still thought it needed more so I added three shiny silver lines to the top of the sword to show its victory. Once I was done that all I had left was the border. I just did a simple black border and then I was done. I am quite proud of my finished product and I hope you like it too.

Finished Quilt

Now for the part that will help explain my quilt. This is the part of my groups story that my quilt is based on.

Bellator and the Ending of Time Part III

Bellator has finally reached the castle of the King and most now fight for what’s right. He knows that he shouldn’t have come because he was not asked and as an Alexonian he knows to only to do what he is told to do. As he approaches the doors to the castle he notices two guards standing by the door. He must think of a way to enter without being caught by the guards. Being as smart as he is he quickly came up with an idea. He hides behind a bush and starts throwing rocks into the forest. The guards hear sounds coming from the forest and then decide to go check it out. Bellator quickly runs to the doors and enters the castle.

Once he is in the castle he really thinks about how to kill the king. He starts to sneak into the Kings room. He has no idea where the Kings room his so he must find it without being caught. The king has many servants but not very many of them like him. As he walking through the castle he sees a guard and quickly runs into the closest room quietly shutting the door behind him. He turns around and notices he is in a small room that looks like a study. In the corner of the room he notices a servant. He quickly pulls out his sword and holds the point against the servants throat. The servant asks Bellator what he is doing hear. Bellator tells him that he is hear to kill the king and will kill anyone that stands in his way. The servant then explains how he dislikes the king and will help Bellator in any way he can. Bellator says he doesn’t need help but kindly asks the servant for directions to the Kings room. Once he has directions Bellator heads on his way.

He quickly finds his way to the Kings room. He enters the room and only the king and two guards are in there. He pulls out his sword and the guards charge towards him. They start an intense battle. Bellator slices one of the guards arms and stabs the other guard in the stomach. The guards fall and quickly flee the room. It is only Bellator and the king now. The king pulls out his sword and prepares for battle. The king tries to get into Bellators head by saying how he is too wimpy to kill him. Bellator gets mad and strikes the king in the thigh. The king stumbles back in pain and let’s out a mad groan. The king unexpectedly steps forward and cuts Bellators face. The king then roars out in laughter as the blood pours down Bellators face. Bellator quickly strikes the king in the chest and the Kings falls in defeat. Bellator stands over the king and watches the life drain from his eyes as he realizes this is the start to a new era.

That is the end of my part of the story but you can read the rest of it at my groups blogposts.

Spencer’s Posthttp://www.blog44.ca/spencerl/2016/01/04/our-quilt-project-2/

Alex’s Post http://www.blog44.ca/alexanderh/2016/01/05/i-hate-needles/

Sam’s Post http://www.blog44.ca/samuels/2016/01/05/the-story-of-my-quilt/


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