Posted on April 20, 2016
Worldview E.E.
Recently in PLP we have been learning about worldview. This was a very interesting topic to learn about. Worldview is the way a certain person views the world. It is there perspective on the world. You worldview could have been shaped by many different things. It could have been shaped by your family, friends, travel experiences, school and many other things. Some people are ethnocentric which means that they believe that their worldview is right and everyone else is wrong. Everyone has a worldview and everyone’s worldview is different.
For this project we had to do an explain everything on our worldview and how it was shaped. We had to tell the story of how our worldview got to be the way it is. I found this project quite challenging. I had never thought about my worldview before so I didn’t really know how it was shaped. I had to think really about it to make sure I had everything I needed. I was quite excited to start this project. I had never used explain everything before and I was excited to see what I could do with it. If you would like to download it HERE is the link It. I started off this project pretty confident in what I was going to do. After I was done the first slide I was so done. It took so long to do the animation and it was way to much work for what it was worth. By the time I was done I was so happy. I don’t think I had ever been as happy to finish a project then I was after that. Explain everything is a good app to use if you have a lot of time on your hands. If you are a busy person I would recommend using a different app.
In the end I got it done and it turned out ok. I do admit I could have worked a little harder on it but I just didn’t have the time or energy. I’m so happy I’m done this project and I hope I never have to use explain everything again. Here it is if you want to watch my Explain Everything.