Scimathics Project

      In scimathtics we just finished a science unit on light. We learned about what light is and how it works. We also learned a lot about Ibn Al Haytham and how light bounces off of an object and is directed into the eye. We were then assigned a project. For this project we got to make whatever we wanted to. We just had to make something that shows our understanding of light and tells the story of how Raven brought the light. It also had to include symmetry, colour, shape, refraction, reflection, opaqueness, transparence, and translucence. I was excited for this project because I got to be reactive with it and do whatever I wanted. I also enjoy playing with light so I couldn’t wait to get started.

It was a little hard to start because it was such an open project. It took me a while to come up with an idea but I eventually got one and was ready to go. To start, I made an opaque sculpture of Raven. I used First Nations art and reflection symmetry on the wings, and then put the sculpture in the shoe box. I took the lid off of the box and stood it on its side so it looks similar to a T.V screen. To show reflection I put three mirrors and two lights into the box. The lights shone on the the mirrors and could bounce off onto the wall of the box. I covered the white walls with black construction paper so the light will be absorbed instead of reflected. I have two convex lenses hanging from the top of the box. One of the lenses is translucent and I made the other one transparent by covering it in Vaseline. I put a rainbow on the back wall of the box to show all of the colours. There is a prism on the bottom of the box and a big light shining down on it to show refraction. The light hits the prism and bounces off in a different direction. I put the Raven in the middle of the box and he is standing on two cylinders. My goal of this project was to show how when Raven brought the light out it spread across the world and I feel like I did a pretty good job of that. I was really happy with how it turned out.

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