Math Monster

So as everyone may know math is a pretty scary subject. There are so many numbers and signs and formulas that can confuse even the smartest of people. When you have to make a monster using math it gets pretty terrifying. To make these monsters we had to design the monsters how ever we wanted to and then calculate the surface area and volume of each body part. We started off with learning the formulas. They looked really long and hard at first but once I figured out that you just have to plug in the numbers it got pretty easy. We then did quite a few practice equations where we had to calcite the surface area and volume of other monsters. 

The day came to design our monster. I got a large piece of paper and started drawing it. I wanted to make my monster resemble a bull. After I drew my monster I had to get it approved. Once it was approved I had to decide what I wanted to make it out of. A lot of other people used things like cardboard or old cams to make their monster. I used clay to make my monster because it gave me more freedom with the shapes. I brought my clay to school and started to build. I built all of the shapes separately and connected them with tooth picks. It took quite a while to put my monster together and make it stay but once it was done it looked pretty cool.

After I was done building I had to measure all of the shapes and calculate their surface area and volume. It took a while to measure them. After measuring them I plugged in all of the numbers. It took a while to do the calculations but they weren’t too hard. After I had calculated all of the different body parts I added them all together and got the total volume and surface area. I named my monster Liman. He is half bull and half bear. This was a really fun way to do math and I enjoyed it so much.

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