Posted on September 18, 2017
How WWI Began
In humanities we are starting off the year with learning about World War 1. Of course before you can learn about a war you have to understand how it was started. The problem with learning about WWI is that no one knows exactly how it started. It was a very complicated war with many different alliances. Many people have tried to find the answer to how the war was started but it seems like there may never be an exact answer. There are many, many theories about how WWI started and I will be telling you how I think it started.
Competition between the Alliances and the nations was the catalyst that started the First World War. All of the nations in Europe wanted to be the best and take each other down but the biggest completion was between the two alliances. The first alliance was between England, France, and Russia. That alliance was also partly allied with Serbia. The other alliance was between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Each of the alliances would always try and one up each other. For example England had the strongest navy because they needed it to protect themselves. Germany did not need a very strong navy but built a stronger one than England just to be better than them.
In June of 1914 a man from Serbia shot and killed the heir to the throne in Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand. This obviously infuriated Austria Hungary and they decided to attack Serbia. They already had been feuding with Serbia because they both wanted to have power of th same areas. When Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia the first alliance of England, France, and Russia decided to help Serbia to defeat the alliance of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy so they could be the best. This was in my opinion how World War 1 started.
After learning about how the war started everyone had to make a video explaining it. I got in a group with Sydney and Alex and made a video explains why we think the war started with supporting evidence.
This war is a very sad part of our history in which 40 million people died. Hopefully we can learn from this and the possible ways that it started so that we will never have another war again.