Posted on May 30, 2016
How the Renaissance Influenced Western Worldview
Recently in PLP we started learning about the Renaissance. I have to admit I wasn’t very excited for this unit because I find history very boring. When we started this unit I was pleasantly surprised with how interesting the Renaissance actually was. The Renaissance was the time right after the plague in Italy and it was a time of rebirth. I found the Renaissance interesting because it had a lot of similarities to our world today.
For this unit the project was a pretty fun one. I had design a poster that shows how the Renaissance influenced western worldview. In preparation for this I had to make a venn diagram on three influential people of the Renaissance. I had to pick one thinker, one artist, and one scientist or mathmetician and write about there life in the Renaissance. This was pretty cool because it helped me learn even more about how the Renaissance has influenced our worldview today. Once I was done the Venn diagram I got to start on the poster.
Starting off the poster wasn’t easy. To come up with an idea I looked at the three people I compared in my Venn diagram and looked at what they all had in common. I realized that they were all extremely creative and hardworking people. As soon as I realized that an idea popped into my head and I was ready to start. My idea was to show the breakthrough of creativity in the Renaissance and how it has influenced the western worldview.
This was my first draft. On the left is the Renaissance and on the right is western worldview. The lightbulb is supposed to represent knowledge and the colours represent creativity. As you can see creativity is only just starting to become part of the way of life in the Renaissance so that is way you can only see a little of it in the picture. Creativity and knowledge is a huge part of our worldview today and that is way you can see a lot of it on the right. The black represents death, the plague, and everything bad in the world. In the Renaissance the plague had only just ende and there was still a lot of death and evil in the world so that is why there is a lot of black on the left. If you look on the right you may notice that there is still a little bit of black. That is because there is still evil in the world today even though it is way better now then it was back in the Renaissance.
To make this I started off in paper and divided my page in half. I then added the colourful bubbles and light bulb to each side of the page. After I was done that I started a new page and could red it completely black. I then coloured the parts I wanted to be the holes white. I then took both pages into comic life. I placed the colours down first then I added the black page with the white holes. I used instant alpha on the white holes to get rid of them so you could see the first page then I lined them up perfectly and finally I was done. It probably doesn’t seem that hard but it actually took me a long time to get everything perfect. Even though I was happy with my finished product I knew I would have to make a second draft.
This is my second draft. To improve the first one I added words into the colorful bubbles so you knew what they were representing. Also in the first draft you couldn’t really tell what each side was supposed to be so I added a title on the top of each side. My second draft is definatley better then my first because it makes more sense to people even if they don’t know anything about the Renaissance. I enjoyed this project because I got to be creative and do whatever I wanted with it and it was really fun. I hope I get to do more work like this is the future.