Destination Imagination



When I first started Destination Imagination I thought it would be an easy, small in- class project. But it turned out it was a lot harder than I expected, in fact, it was the exact opposite of what I anticipated. I found this out when my group and I spent 3 weeks just trying to come up with ideas while the other groups were already starting their scripts. When we finally came up with an idea, we showed our teacher our first video draft, but she said we had to restart because the quality of our work needed improvement. 


My team and I started to get really stressed about having to completely redo our video in under a week. We had to rewrite our script and rebuild our building. We also had to redo our whole video because we couldn’t use any scenes from our original video. Once we finally finished our video we weren’t very happy with the turnout but we had to hand it in. 

Once everyone finished and submitted their videos our class went down to our school’s theatre room and watched the other teams’ videos. After each video the team got pins that said “Destination Imagination 2021” and a certificate of completion. Overall our team, “All Clear Engineers”, won 3rd place in our age group out of all competitors in Canada. Even though sometimes, it was hard working in a team I am very proud of how my team did!

Team photo⬇️

Thank you for being a great group: David, Claire, Alicia, Kwosen, Dylan, Eric

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