Take Your Kid to Work Day.

On November 3 my class participated in Take Your Kid to Work Day, a day that students go to work with parents or other family members/guardians. I chose to go to work with my Aunt who is the head of communications for the District of North Vancouver. 

Final video⬇️

When I went to District Hall with my Aunt, I sat in on a zoom call with her about updating the district website which was very interesting. It was a very good opportunity to be able to see what she does everyday as head of communications, it’s a much bigger job than I expected.

District Hall⬇️

 After that meeting, we did a tour of District Hall and I saw her office and where the council sits. This was an important part of my day because I had a chance to see where members of the North Vancouver District Council sit as well as the mayor, and discuss issues within my very own community.

Council room⬇️

Our next stop on the tour of things the district is in charge of is the Lynn Valley Library. There was two important things that we looked at while we were there: the first being the construction of the rainbow crosswalk and second being the Lynn Valley stabbing memorial. The reason we focused on the crosswalk is because they have to tear it up for issues with water pipes and BC hydro. But, this is a bit controversial because they are tearing up a symbol of North Vancouver’s acceptance and support of the LGBTQ+ community. My aunt, as she is in communications, is in charge of making sure the public doesn’t misunderstand this for a removal of the crosswalk. It will be replaced, it is simply a necessary construction project:

Rainbow Crosswalk⬇️

A huge part of my Aunt’s job in March was making sure the people in the district understood the circumstances of the Lynn Valley stabbing, making sure that people knew their community  was still safe and communicating any necessary information to the public. We can see a memorial there now that my aunt played a role in designing. Each person on her team had a different role in organizing this memorial, one person designed what it would look like, one person actually wrote it, etc. I think my aunt and her team did a really good job of comforting and communicating with the people of Lynn Valley and the North Shore now that I got to see it from a behind the scenes perspective.

Photo of the memorial⬇️

Finally, our last stop was here:

 Empty lot⬇️

This is where the Maplewood Fire and Rescue centre will be by (2023?) which my Aunt has a role in communicating between the people and the district about what is going on with the construction of it. This Fire Hall will also be a training centre for new Fire Fighters as well as climate friendly with Solar Panels and recycled water. Here is what it is expected to look like:

New Fire Hall⬇️

I think this is a really interesting job that I would even like to go into in the future. I learned a lot about what my Aunt does and what the district is working on right now, but I also learned that it’s a lot of work and takes a lot of skill. I am really happy and glad that I had this experience and I look forward to learning more about her job and other careers in communications.

Fun fact, while visiting district hall I learned that we have a “sister city” in South Korea called the District of Goro-gu. That means there is a city in South Korea that is around the same size as us, and we have been sister cities since 2009. During COVID 19 they have supplied us with over 20 thousand masks.

The more things change

Driving Question: What did European settlement mean for all the people involved?

For this project we made and learned about infographics (informational graphics). We worked in partners to create an infographic about European settlement and the three groups involved, the French, the British and the First Nations. We learned about what makes a good infographic like a clear topic, cohesive aesthetic and it should tell a story.  In contrast we learned about what makes a bad one for example, too much text, unclear topic, and a chaotic aesthetic. We also had to make graphics that related to the French, the British, and the First Nations. We made a QR code linking to a video explaining our infographic


To make the infographic we had to learn about European settlement and the three groups the British, the French, and the First Nations. We also learned about what roles each group had in the fur trade and what alliances they formed.  For example, some of the First Nations had alliances with the French and others allied with the British. 

Answer to the driving question: What did European settlement mean for all the people involved?

We answered the driving question in our infographics thesis, which was: European settlement changed the lives of the First Nations. Alliances between the two groups allowed them to trust each other and to trade with one another, which would expose them to new resources. This partnership was mutually beneficial, and the concept of trading goods between alliances has remained to this day.

Thank youTeva for being a great partner 

Destination Imagination

Solution: https://youtu.be/R0Fv-l7ZG9I

Q&A: https://youtu.be/QYMpcNywcNI

When I first started Destination Imagination I thought it would be an easy, small in- class project. But it turned out it was a lot harder than I expected, in fact, it was the exact opposite of what I anticipated. I found this out when my group and I spent 3 weeks just trying to come up with ideas while the other groups were already starting their scripts. When we finally came up with an idea, we showed our teacher our first video draft, but she said we had to restart because the quality of our work needed improvement. 


My team and I started to get really stressed about having to completely redo our video in under a week. We had to rewrite our script and rebuild our building. We also had to redo our whole video because we couldn’t use any scenes from our original video. Once we finally finished our video we weren’t very happy with the turnout but we had to hand it in. 

Once everyone finished and submitted their videos our class went down to our school’s theatre room and watched the other teams’ videos. After each video the team got pins that said “Destination Imagination 2021” and a certificate of completion. Overall our team, “All Clear Engineers”, won 3rd place in our age group out of all competitors in Canada. Even though sometimes, it was hard working in a team I am very proud of how my team did!

Team photo⬇️

Thank you for being a great group: David, Claire, Alicia, Kwosen, Dylan, Eric

Emoji story

For today’s blog post we have to create a story based on randomly selected emojis.

Once upon a time there was a hungry street dog.🐶

Every day a boy named Danyle would walk past the dog on his way home from school. 🚶🏼‍♂️

But, one day the boy decided that he would befriend the dog. 🙋🏼🐶

Because of that they became best friends.😃

Because of that Danyle named the dog Scruffels.✍🏼

Because of that  Danyle would bring food to Scruffels so he wasn’t hungry anymore.🍗🍮

Until, finally Danyle decided to adopt Scruffels and give him a home.🏠🚪

Ever since then Danyle and Scruffels were inseparable and they went on to live happily ever after.🙂

The End


This week’s blogging challenge is about music. I didn’t really know what to do for todays blog post because I don’t listen to music much. The only time I really listen to music is when I’m doing ballet. When I’m doing ballet I mostly listen to classical and instrumental music. I have different songs for different parts of my routine so I have made a playlist of my favourite songs. The songs are in order from the start of my routine to the end.  

Most of these songs are instrumental covers made by Nate Fifield who is a former opera director. 

Here’s a list of all the songs ⬇️ and here’s the link to my Spotify playlist  

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