The Secret Behind Blogging

Hi you, who are reading this blog right now!

You have been reading our last 76 blogs right? But you’ve never really known what its actually like to blog, right? Ever wondered what happens during the creation of the blog? We decided to quench your thirst for knowledge about the blog. So today we will blog about blogging!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! We are sure you are also VERY excited to read this, as we are very excited to write this.

So. First of all, we walk to Mr. Beveridge’s office (he’s our Principal). Then we enter Mr. Beveridge’s office. The next step is logging on to the computer, which sometimes takes a while since we don’t always know the exact location of Mr. Beveridge. When all of these steps are completed, the blogging begins. Usually, we don’t know what we’re going to blog about when we begin. So we take a short promenade to the front foyer to look for inspiration. When inspiration is found, we go back inside to blog about our topic. What ever our topic is. Then we publish it.

So now you know about blogging.

Oh, wait. There is a lot more to this! Tons of stuff happens while we write the blog. Like keyboard fights. And dance parties. And yoga. And random singing.

So now that we’ve got your attention, here’s what happens while we write the blog. Here are the secrets we’ve kept. HERE IS THE OTHER SIDE TO THE STORY!

So the first thing we are going to talk about is the keyboard fights. So, usually the keyboard fights start with someone either trying to type a word, fix someone’s grammar or grabbing the mouse to Save Draft. Saving drafts usually involves a lot of fake hyperventilating. No, we are not mentally insane. We just have good ideas, we’re forgetful, and we’ve learned to how to deal with this. And that is to write down our ideas before we forget them. So when someone interrupts the process of the writing down of the idea, we get hyper. By the way, no one gets hurt, and the fight is mostly holding each other’s arms.

Another common occurrence during lunch hour in Mr. Beveridge’s office is spontaneous dance parties. This happens when Mr. Beveridge leaves music on, or someone has a catchy song stuck in their head, or there is a cool song on the radio. We usually start randomly dancing, but why not? What is wrong with dancing? It’s fun!!! 🙂

Here is one of our favourite parts of blogging! It is (drum roll please)… the Leaning Tower Of Bloggers! Thanks to the Leaning Tower Of Bloggers, the amount of keyboard fights have significantly decreased! Here is how is works: one person sits on the big comfy chair with cool wheels, one person sits on the person who sits on the big comfy chair with cool wheels, and the third person sits on the person who sits on the person who sits on the big comfy chair with cool wheels. Here is a picture of the Leaning Tower of Bloggers:

Now that is just a typical day in Mr. Beveridge’s office during lunch hour.

Thank you to Mr. Beveridge for letting us be the bloggers and for loaning us his office every lunch hour. We greatly appreciate this! Thank you also to the office for not kicking us out, and to our teachers for not complaining when we miss the first few minutes of class. Blogging has by far been our favourite part of the year, and has made grade seven unforgettable. We’ve learned a lot, and we’ve had an amazing experience.

2 thoughts on “The Secret Behind Blogging

  1. It’s been a blast reading your blogs all year. The best part was seeing how different your blogs are now compared to when you first started! I hear there is a club for everything at Handsworth — wonder if there is one for blogging?? If not, perhaps you can convince Mr. James to let you use HIS office??!!

  2. Wishes for a happy summer to all the Grade 7 bloggers!

    Your article makes me glad I work alone. Faaaar fewer keyboard fights. And when I break into a dance party, there’s nobody to see, so i can dance with abandon!


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