Thank You Cleveland! We Will Miss You!

“This is not the end, this is a whole new beginning”


Hi Cleveland!

Today is our last blog, so we want to make it special. We couldn’t quite think about how we’d make this special, so we’ve decide to make this blog be GRATITUDE. So this will be our gratitude blog!

First of all, we would like to thank the teachers. All four of us have been here at Cleveland since Kindergarten, and all of the teachers have made Cleveland a very special place for all of us.

We also would like to thank ALL the staff at Cleveland…the monitors, the custodian, Mme. Santarossa (Librarian Extraordinaire) and especially the office staff. The office staff, especially Mrs. Devlin, who has put up with us as we blog, and who doesn’t tell us not to sit on each other, not to do yoga, and not to dance. They’ve all worked so hard, and we really appreciate how they made this school a better place!

Thank-you also to Mme. McIntyre who put together our amazing Grade 7 yearbook! Thanks also to Lilly Yi and Johanna Dipple, who did the great cover!

Thank you to Mrs. Orr, who was a great vice principal and who promoted deep reflection on leadership and community.

And a BIG HUMONGOUS thank you to Mr. Beveridge, who let us blog, who gave us the liberty to do yoga, dance, sing, sit on each other…and so much more! We really appreciate his sense of humor, how he learned the name of every student in the school, making them feel welcome, and how he’s been an amazing role-model to everyone.

Thank-you Cleveland!

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

-Dr. Seuss


One thought on “Thank You Cleveland! We Will Miss You!

  1. Well done, Cleveland Bloggers! I have enjoyed reading every single post you’ve done this year. But you’ve left me with a couple of questions… Will someone take up the torch and continue the Cleveland Blog next year? I hope so. Will you four find a way to continue blogging next year? If so, I will be reading, with great interest, as you reach for the blogosphere in describing all the exciting new experiences and activities you discover at Handsworth. Have a great summer!

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