Introducing: my story my book

Today we’ll be doing my story my book: featuring Tarra, one of the magnificent grade 7 bloggers and Darian, who is also in gr.7! Unfortunately we didn’t have the cameras with us, so we couldn’t take their pictures. First we interviewed Tarra, so enjoy her love of books.

Us: So Tarra, what is your favorite book or series?

T: My favorite books are The Princess Plot and The Princess Trap.

Us: So, why are these your favorite books?

T: Because they’re romantic, mysterious, and action packed.

Us: This sounds like it would be a book for mostly girls, so is it?

T: No, I’d actually recommend it to boys too. I give the series 5 stars


D: One of my favorite series is Neil Flambe (with and accent on the e)

Us: Why do you like it?

D: Because it’s mysterious, has action, and takes place in east Vancouver.

Us: Who would you recommend it to?

D: People age 10 and over because there are murders. I give it 5 stars

Us: Thank you

If you have a good book that you’d like to recommend or be interviewed about, come find us!!!!!!!!


2 thoughts on “Introducing: my story my book

  1. Great My Story My Book! I really like how you did the question/answers. And good job Tarra and Darian!

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