
About the Blog 2012/2013

Hi! We’re the bloggers for this year! Our names are Tierra, Yaus, Nadia and Jenna. We are both in grade 7. Our goal is to help inform everyone about the events that are happening at this school and to get to know everyone better. We hope that you enjoy our posts. 🙂


Tierra: Hi, I’m Tierra. I’m 13 years old. I’m the oldest on our blogging team. I love to draw and play with my 3 fluffy bunnies.

Yaus:  Hi I’m Yaus.  I’m 12 years old. I’m the youngest on our blogging team. I love my dog Albus “Dumbledore” and my favourite color is purple!

Nadia: Hi I’m Nadia. I’m 12 years old. My favorite color is purple and I love my two cats, Mouse and Sawyer.

Jenna: Hi I’m Jenna. I’m 12 years old. My favorite colors are green and purple. I am the oldest of three siblings.


About The Blog 2011/2012

HI! This is our Cleveland Elementary School Blog! Through this blog, we want to connect with EVERYONE at Cleveland and in the community with stories, pictures, videos, and other fun stuff. We will talk (or blog) about BIG events, committees and things going on here at school and in the community.

If you enjoy the blog, post a comment. If you don’t like the blog, post a comment with some helpful ideas for improvement! No nasty comments please!

–          Katherine and Kristina

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