Welcome back clevelanders! Today we will be talking about a word that the grade 6s and 7s have created and have been using a lot lately. It is herminer, which originated from a funny Voldemort youtube video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBJN6n_6Dfw), but the funny laugh got banned so herminer is what replaced it. It’s just a funny way of laughing :).  It’s very fun to say. It is pronounced Heh mi neh.

We hope that you guys had a great spring break!


Cleveland Elementary School Tour in Photos (Our First And Last Plog!)

Hi all those who DON’T go to Cleveland!

We noticed that we blog about Cleveland all the time (well of course…it’s the Cleveland Blog!), but you’ve never seen Cleveland! So we had the idea that we’d go around the school and take pictures. With the exception of  the library, which was closed, we got pretty much the whole school!

We also noticed that we have about 13 photos! As we mentioned above, this makes this our first (and last) plog (if there can be a vlog for videos, why not a plog for pictures?)!

Here are the pictures…

Part of the Intermediate Playground

Getting ready for an assembly in the large gym – Gr. 7 seats of honor!

West wing-grade six and seven area!

Below: the primary hallway


Hallway by small gym going upstairs and to the primary hallway


West wing-grade six and seven area (again)

Grade Seven Wall: where the grade sevens hang out…I guess it’s self explanatory!

Front Foyer

Dancing down the Grades Three-Six Hallway

Grades Three-Six Hallway without dancers!

Large Gym

Stairs going up to the Grades Three-Six Hallway

  The Library was closed, so look at http://www.blog44.ca/clevelandelementary/2011/11/15/why-libraries-are-important/ to see the picture!

Alex’s Amazing Activity!

Hi Cleveland!

Today we saw Alex from Grade 5, Mme. Cork/Mr.Baldonado’s class in the courtyard doing a really cool activity. We went to interview him about what he was doing. Turns out he was doing a cool thing called Devil Sticks or Flower Sticks, in which someone has two sticks that they hold and one long stick which has flowery thingys on each end that they throw around and catch with the smaller sticks. At first Katherine thought they were metallic, but it turns out they’re rubber.

Please comment if you’ve heard of the Devil Sticks or if you know how to do them, or if, as always, you have something to say! Here are some pictures of Alex doing Devil Sticks!



Young Actors Project :)

Hi Cleveland!

Do you like to act? Use your imagination? Be creative? Well, this year the Young Actors Project has come to Cleveland!

The Young Actor’s Project is a program started by Robert Randall and a couple of colleagues. It includes Theater Games, Activities with Masks, and Improv. The Young Actors Project was at Cleveland last  year, and it was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY,  REALLY FUN!

What’s more, the cost is only eleven dollars for three one and a half hour sessions because so many classes do it. Mme. Gagne heard about this from a friend of hers. To do the project, six classes have to participate. Mme. Gagne got more than six classes, and now there are more than a dozen classes doing the Young Actors Project. Next year, it will be open to everyone!

We are all really excited about this program, and some of us are even participating in it! 

Happy Acting Cleveland (that sounds really cheesy)!

Gr.3 ‘s Trip To Outdoor School In Their Own Words!

Hi Cleveland!

As you probably already know, Wednesday was the day that the Gr.3’s went do Outdoor School in Paradise Valley. They came back on Friday and clearly they had a GREAT time.

We interviewed Nadia, Julia, Robyn, Masha, Sofia, Remy, Teigan, and Jennifer in Gr.3 about what they thought about Outdoor School. They all agreed that the best part of all was holding the baby goats and chicks. One of the baby goats was nicknamed Pickle. Their favourite evening event was the night hike. They also enjoyed walking through a hollow fallen tree, bird watching, and the food. They said that the counselors and cabins were awesome!!!

Thanks girls for letting us interview you!

To find out more about Outdoor School, go to


Check out our Principal’s Blog on the Grade 3’s at Outdoor School.


Four Leaf Clovers!

Hi Cleveland!

What does sixteen clover leaves plus four clover steams equal: four four leaf clovers!

Today is a lucky day! Yay!

It doesn’t have to be St. Patrick’s day  to find four leaf clovers. Proof: Eden and Bronwen found 4 FOUR LEAF CLOVERS Today!!! Wow! That is a lot of 4 leaf clovers! Kristina, Katherine, and Nicole have never seen 4 leaf clovers before! They were found in a secret place that no one (except Eden and Bronwen) know about.

Eden is in Mme. Zwart’s class and Bronwen is in Mme. Cork and Mr. Baldonado’s class. They are both going to press them  in books and keep them FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER in their collections.





JRFH (Jump Rope For Heart) Strikes Again…

Hi Cleveland!

Today Mrs. LaPrairie’s grade 7 class led 8 stations in Jump Rope For Heart! JRFH was supposed to take place last week, but because of the wonderful rain, it was postponed. So it was rescheduled to Wednesday. Unfortunately the forecast was bad again, so it was moved to today, and that worked! YAY!

Last week, the Gr.3’s did JRFH because they are going to Outdoor School. This morning the K-Gr.2’s did JRFH, and between recess and lunch, the Gr.4-7’s did it. Everyone had lots of fun!

Here are some photos of Mrs. LaPrairie’s class’s stations!

The Grade Sevens Don’t Need to Wonder if They’re Going To Get Lost in Handsworth Anymore: Now They Know For Sure :o


Last Wednesday the Cleveland students took a tour to Handsworth! Here is what they discovered:

  1. The cafeteria is closed at 2:00 pm.
  2.  There are lockers lining EVERY SINGLE hallway in the WHOLE ENTIRE GINORMOUS SCHOOL
  3.  No one gets stuffed in lockers (phew!), but if you climb into one, you’ll get locked in there (don’t climb in!)
  4. Walk up on the right, down on the left.  (Don’t get mixed up or you will get run over by a herd of students)
  5. The counselor’s office is on the first floor by the door (near the wood shop, we think)
  6. There are two floors and a dance studio in a basement-ish place
  7. In the bush by the stairs in the back is where smart people DON’T hang out!
  8. The right part of the upstairs is where all the math rooms are
  9.  Most people eat their lunch in the hallway
  10. Don’t use the water fountain by the bathrooms near the cafeteria: the water is warm and people litter in it!

Handsworth is a VERY nice school, and we’re all really excited and extraordinarily nervous about going there! The grade sevens might need a very detailed map to get around, which is fine, because maps are offered! What’s more, teachers excuse lateness to classes for the first two weeks in case we get lost! This is great, because with our great sense of direction, we will probably walk into Chemistry 12 prepared to make an apron. oops! So I don’t know why we’re nervous (tee hee hee, nervous laugh) , but we are, and that’s that. Maybe it’s because the work load increases, or people seem to dislike grade eights, and we’ll be going from the tallest and oldest kids in school to the smallest and youngest kids in school!

But, we are sure that we will all have a ton of fun at Handsworth and we look forward to going there next year!!!!!!!!!

Buddies: Friendship Bracelets!

Hi Cleveland!

Last Friday Ms. La Prairie’s class started to learn to make friendship bracelets. They were taught two different ways: one with four strings, another with five strings in a loop. Today, their class showed Mrs. Bayti’s kindergarten class how to make them during buddies. Every desk in Ms. La Prairie’s class is covered with friendship bracelets in the making! There are so many colours of strings that we decided to take pictures and show you these wonderful creations.