The Basketball Season is Coming to an End!

We have had such a great year with our basketball teams.  We have had 10 girls  and 8 boys join each team.   So many kids have joined and woken up really early just to learn a new sport and try it out.  We would  really like to thank Coach Pat and all of the teachers who have helped make this season so wonderful.   You have made Coach Pat and all of the teachers very proud.  Thank you for participating.  To all of the boys who are participating in the tournament today we wish you the best of luck.  Next week we have a tournament for the girls, break a leg!

Till next time,

Cameron, Diba, Sydney, Sarah

Halloween 2014

DSCF1115Friday was  Halloween! Classes decorated their classrooms with art and decorations for the date. Some classes carved their own pumpkins! On Friday we had orange and black day and there were lots of people participating. The school was  definitely in the spirit!

Some great decorations made by classes were the life size skeletons, and multiple art projects that look great throughout the school! One class decorated mini pumpkins after lunch! It’s really great to see them have fun making so many art projects! Most classes had Halloween parties and parents brought in delicious treats!

During school, some of our intermediate classes went for a special bowling field trip, and I’m sure they all had a great time!

It was raining for most of the day, but luckily it stopped by around 3:30. Most of our students at Cleveland went trick or treating and probably have a big stash of candy that they are hiding from older siblings who like to steal. Remember, don’t eat candy for breakfast, because then they will come to school all sugar high and hard to control!

Welcome to the Cleveland Blog!

Welcome to the Cleveland Blog!

Written by students

Another great year has begun. We are excited that we got to start the year off with an amazing Terry Fox Run, including special guest Darrell Fox, Terry’s brother.  He told us some stories about Terry and taught us that he, Terry, has shown Darrell that the only limitations we have are the limitations we place on ourselves.

There are five of us who have been asked to write the student blog. We are a group of grade 7 kids who are helping write the blog and we would love to include other student bloggers.

We are looking forward to blogging throughout the year!

From your bloggers,

Sydney, Diba, Sarah, Cameron, and Oliver


Another step in the right direction

Another step in the right direction

What’s Happening At Cleveland!

Hey everyone, it’s Audbean and Sylnick!

Welcome back to our blog. We have not posted in a while, so we are happy to be back. Here are some new things at Cleveland!

On Thursday the 10th we had something called Words in the Woods. Words in the Words was a poetry slam where students made their own poetry or read someone’s poetry for everyone to hear! The gym was decorated to give the effect that you were in a forest. It was super cool!

Next we had LOL (Lights Out Lunch) on Tuesday, April 22. This will happen every Tuesday at lunch, for the rest of the school year to save energy! We save a lot of money and help the earth by doing this.

The Edible Garden Project started to grow small plants. They are edible and will soon be ready to eat! Here is a picture of them right outside the office. If you come to see them, remember, don’t touch, just look!

2014-04-24 12.45.26

That’s all for now!

Sylnick and Audbean 🙂


Cleveland Christmas Concert

Hey Cleveland,

For the past month, the intermediates have been getting ready to preform a Christmas concert called Lights! Camera! Christmas! The play was a big success. There were about 250 people who made the play possible. Also, special thanks to Mr. Lebrun (our music teacher) for making the musical. The intermediate students performed 3 times. Twice in front of our parents and once in front of the school.

The musical is about lots of different directors who have different opinions and want to make a movie about Santa. The elves and the reindeer get lots of different ideas from different directors about making the movie. In the end, they made a “very, merry montage” movie about Saint Nic. Thanks to all the crew who made everything possible! We can’t wait until next year for the primary’s Christmas play.

See ya next time!

Julia, Sylnick, and AudBean 🙂




Remembrance Day

Tomorrow we will be having a Remembrance Day assembly. The class of F02 is in charge of the assembly, but other classes are joining and presenting too. Visitors are welcome to join us. Most of the presentations will be on wars and peace. The assembly will be around 11:00 am. Michelle and Thomas in F02 will be presenting the poem “In Flanders Fields by John McCrae. A sentence that really caught our attention was:”If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders fields.” Students are asked to bring donations for poppies and wear their poppies at the assembly on the left side of their chest (over their hearts).


Talk to you soon,

Audbean and Sylnick 🙂

Harvest to Table

On Oct 10th the Edible Garden Project hosted our very first Harvest to Table event. But you are probably saying to yourself “What is the Harvest to Table event?” Well, it’s an event where  people donate their fruits, herbs and veggies from their gardens. Then we display them on tables and people donate money and take their pick of the choices on the table. All donations went to the Harvest Project to purchase food for people in need. In total the Harvest to table project raised around 180$.

Good job Edible Garden!

See ya!

Sylnick and Audbean 🙂

Playground Pals

Hey everyone,

At Cleveland, there is a new program for the grade sevens. This is a fun new addition to lunch and recess called playground pals. This program has grade sevens help the younger students either play with them when they can’t find someone to play with or when there is a problem.

The number one goal for playground pals is for kids to include all students with whatever they are doing! For example: If there are two kids in a disagreement, the playground pals help them solve the problem and get the kids to help together. The grade sevens are allowed to give out “Giving Tree” leaves if the kids willingly invite others to play with them or show kindness. The playground pals also give out “Giving Tree” apples to groups that invite others to play. They will get presented the leaf in front of the class later in the day.

You may remember, that in the past there was a different program called peer mediating. That was mostly to make sure kids were safe.  You may see the playground pals around the playground, they wear red jackets. Now, we help the kids, play with them and find them people to play with at the same time.

In conclusion, playground pals is a great new program and it has a great affect on the children and helps the adult aids.

Yours truly,

Julia (another Cleveland blogger)