Chistmas Is Coming!


We are excited to say that there are a few upcoming events happening at Cleveland for the Christmas holidays! One is the annual Christmas Craft Fair! If you are new to the school the Christmas Craft Fair is when all the grade seven’s create crafts and sell them for under 5$. It will be held in the large gym December 4th from 2:30 to about 4:00pm.

The second event is a fairly new event to Cleveland. It is a school play! We did it last year for the primary students, but this year the intermediates will be doing it. The theme is Light’s, Camera, Christmas! did you get your tickets yet? We are excited to see you there!

Merry Christmas!

Audbean and Sylnick 🙂

What’s Happening at Cleveland This Month

This month at Cleveland the virtue we are focusing on is integrity. Integrity is when you stand up for what you believe in. We teach the students what integrity is every day on the announcements.

Halloween is coming up! Time to get ready to dress up and have fun! There will be a lots of fun going around at Cleveland on the 31st. Remember to wear Black and Orange.  The grade 7ers have a special outing planned to go bowling! We bet everyone in the school is very excited for Halloween and is getting their costumes ready. See you soon!

Audbean and Sylnick 🙂

Last Official Swaggy Blog From Us

gm,lm,l m,f,k       mfg m,rf f m,m m,m  mnm,    mjjnhvg,lm, ghghvm,likiku8 898g90   gt bjku8

Well guys those were your last words from Crizpo and Sneetch^ ,we think that they obviously meant that it was an awesome year of bloggage,we say the same thing.

Some quotes to remember us by/ words of wisdom

-You guys gave us a great opportunity to stay in on rainy days

-Were all humans (except Tito who is an alien)

– Blogging was fun

-Don’t forget to read the next years blog (even if it wont be as awesome)

– Blogging is fun

– Sneetch has a star on his stomach

– Crizpo has scary eyelashes

And finally we have to say goodbye FOREVER, but thanks for reading and commenting on our blogs.

Bye from all six of us, Yaus-y-moo, Tito, Narnz, Jenners,Crizpo and Sneetch

p.s the lobby shall be renevated


Plans for the end of the year.

Hi, it’s all of us

Today we’d like to tell you about our year end plans. It’s Friday today and on Monday for the grade 7’s it’s our last full day of school. On Tuesday, we have our grad ceremony and our dance. We’re very excited for the ceremony because we will be exchanging a pencil for a rose with the grade 1’s. For the dance, we’re excited to dance with our friends not so much the boys. Then on Wednesday, we will go for our grade 7 field trip to Playland.

Bye for now,

Jenna, Yaus, Tierra and Nadia and Meghan who helped us today.

Bike Week Presentation (Bike week is happening now)

Hi guys, so yesterday Ryan Leech came to our school. He did some awesome bike tricks and told us stories about biking and his life. He also mentioned some inspiring quotes and messages.

So here are some some of then:

– Chances are if you start something new you won’t be awesome at it automatically.

– Never give up.

– Keep trying.

– Try something differently if you cant do it some other way.

-Take baby steps.

– Learn from your mistakes.

– You can listen to others opinions, but you have the last say.

– Eat healthy, to be healthy.

– Don’t stop believing.

– Don’t jump ahead.

– Be persistent.

– Take risks but, stay in your skill level.

– Listen to your heart and the voices and in your head.

– Never say never. (even though we just said it twice)

– Make connections.

– Take a step back.


So the best guy ever

– a kindergarten student in our school

I’m sorry tell you but it’s true, there are hang-ups and bang-ups that may happen to you

-Dr. Suess



Bye. Thanks for reading.



Hello, we’re SO sorry about not blogging since april 30. So today we’re going to blog about STUFF.

Track and Field- It’s almost the end of the track and field season, but all the intermediate classes have been doing track and field for about a month.

Swanguard- Some of the Cleveland students will be going to Swanguard for the track and field events that they’ve qualified for.

Talent show- We had the talent show on Wednesday, and a lot of the most talented people in the school performed by singing, dancing, playing the piano, etc.

Smurf day- We had fun day last Friday and it was lots of fun. A lot of the grade 7s got dunked in the dunk tank, which was very fun, and we had a hula hoop competition, and a tug of war.

Mother and son extreme evening- The mother and son extreme evening is coming up soon! Make sure you get your tickets.

Bike week- We’re having bike week soon, so make sure you bike at least a little bit during the week.

Crizbo and Sneetch- Crizbo and Sneetch have been sitting by the window and looking at pencils for a very long time.

Mr Beveridge’s office- Yaus says that the lights in Mr Beveridge’s office are weird.

– Tierra, Nadia, Jenna and Yaus

Earth Day/ The Green Fair/ Walk to School Day

Happy Earth day!

On Friday, there was the green fair and some of the grade 7 girls and some grade 5 girls went. We had two posters and a slideshow that we showed at our table. There were many interesting tables. Tierra won a water bottle! Unfortunately, our school didn’t win an ipad :(.

Make sure you recycle, turn off the lights and do stuff to help the environment.

Tomorrow is walk, bike, etc. to school tomorrow, because it’s walk to school day! Tierra’s going to bike, Nadia’s going to walk, and Yaus is going to walk too!

Have a great day!

-Yaus, Nadia, Tierra

Photo shoot 2

Bonjour. If u read Tito and Narnz (aka Tierra and Nadia)  yesterday blog. you would know about the penny drive that was organised last month. We’re not going to re-explain but read our last blog to know more!

Here are some more photos:

behind the scenes:

Peace out Yaus and Nadia



Before spring break, we took pictures with Mr. Lebrun (the music teacher) of Cleveland’s penny drive. Since pennies are no longer useful, the care commity raised pennies and brought gave the money to children in need.


Stay tuned for more behind the scenes and photos blog (coming soon)!

-Nadia and Tierra (Tito)