
Hello teacher and parents this is a summary of my half year so far. 

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

I’ll start by talking about my learning plan, the learning plan is the first thing I can remember doing at the start of this year. The learning plan is not very complex all you have to do is talk about want yourself to learn and what you want to achieve in these subjects.

As you see on the learning plan there are different levels. So you see in the photo with the black part, thats where you pick you profile, the profiles are basically what you want to become by the end of the year and the end of the semester, The ones I where near where around 4-5 thats where I feel like I could get to or stay to. What I mean about stay to is maybe I cant go up that much in those specific profiles so I made it to where I should be. 

Start of the year 

This year kinda hit me in shock with 4 different classes, and all the homework and things that are on your mind, coming from elementary to high school that really was not high school by having 2 classes a day and there both 2 hours and how many minutes it was easy to focus on on eating and get the work done, then grade 9 came up and it was a little more interesting where there was 2 classes a day still but switching every other day with 2 different classes. Then Grade 10 came and it still is not normal High school but it was the closes I have been to normal. I definitely should have came into the year more prepared and get into the flow sooner so work does not get to much to fast. The first semester I was in was very unfortunate because I had all the hardest classes right away like Math, science, humanities and even Spanish was hard. I would say that if I did not have all these classes then my Humanities would be better in the aspect of handing in stuff on time. I know this sounds like an excuse but really it was hard to maintain all of that work, from having a math tutor to having baseball and basketball and also being a bit lazy is not a good mixture. 

The first project we did for humanities was the gold rush project, this project was very fun to me because I feel like I have a creative mind when it comes to making story’s, I fell like I am in the story and when I’m in my groove I cant stop. Moving forward in this project I would love to remember to look over my spelling and punctuation because when I’m writing I go right form the head and just look down at my keyboard and just write, so I do make a lot of spelling and punctuation errors. I would love to make more story type projects in the future. I would say story writing is one of my strong suits in school, but I for sure have to work on spelling and punctuation. 

Surprises and challenges 

Scimatics 9 was a huge jump into grade 10 normal math, you could say a massive jump because in scimatics there where a few math parts and then a huge amount of actual science so that made math for all my PLP friends pretty tough if you don’t say, obviously I am doing Pre-calc 10 as well so there in so science to this at all just straight numbers. 

Science 10

Science 10 was mostly a class where its the one where you only take notes then a few classes here and there and labs and actual fun stuff, so thats means you really have to pay attention to the valuable things the teacher is saying and make sure you write down all the notes because there is a lot of them I MEAN A LOT, like 7,000 words a lot. The topics we talked about the most where Biology and nuclear chemistry those where complicated topics but when you got them it really was not that hard. I could defiantly say that I had some F.A.I.Ls ( First Attempt In Learning). 

Why talking about fails what where my biggest F.A.I.Ls and success this year in science 


  • Staying on task from being distracted and distracting with my friends 
  • Effort into studying for science tests
  • Handing in Labs on time 


  • Creating in-depth Notes to help better my learning 
  • Keeping work into chucks to hand in Assignments on time 
  • understanding the labs and having fun in class as well 

Math 10 

Like I said near the top scimatics did not have much math at all in the criteria so we basically had to learn everything in one little semester which was tuff with all the other classes going on. The first day we had a math 9 Review just to know where we are at, all am going to say is that it was not pretty. Math was a very fast paced class everyday we had a new worksheet that had to be handed in in the next class we had or the one after, then we had little to no instruction on how to do the worksheet all we had was a little note package and are brains. 


  • Asked more Q’s
  • Practices in my own time not including my tutor 
  • Stress management 


  • Passed
  • At the end I was way more comfortable 
  • Homework was on time most of the time

Humanities 10 

The start of the humanities was very good for me it was the gold project and like I said my story was really great it had meaning and also very good detail. In the middle was when math was getting very hard and thats when my humanities homework got put to the side to focus on math, which is bad that I only did math and barley any humanities. That did not make the work bad for humanities it just made the work late which was not good but that was pretty much my only option. This next semester is going to be a big step up from what I did this last semester I can’t promise it but hopefully no homework that is gunna be significantly late and not done even, there are going to be a lot of teamwork and a lot of questions that are going to be asked, also there I am going to be more into the class. The next semester I all PLP classes so I definitely can focus on one thing at a time.  


  • Handing in assignments on time  
  • Slacking off 
  • Ending off the semester bad


  • High quality work 
  • Great topics 
  • Having a great start 

Thank you for listening/reading to my M-pol


Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest-actually evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

Hello everyone before we start I will introduce everyone. So I’m going to start off with things I think I exceeded in this year.


I found that scimatics was sort of a weak class for me I found that I did not have much drive for this class unless it was a fun way which was like doing the garlic experiment in class also making the snow with the water and the different liquid thats are way to confusing to mention scimatic is a class that I need for explanation and need to be taught face to face. I found that the math part of scimatics was tuff for me because we basically got stranded on the work sheet and had to just send it basically and learn when you actually mark the pages and then you get taught so after that I was already lost and then we had to get in a harder pages then I was just lost. 

 The first project was one of the first ones, the project was in |Scimatics it was the Game Of Exponent Laws this was a very fun project that I did which was just getting the year started with a bang. This project was in a group so I had to use my sharing skills and always have an opened mind when my group comes up with a idea. Escape Sepaus  The one part of this project where I was vey proud on is the teamwork aspect because we al wanted to make this project fun but also have a great mark which is pretty obvious. The way that we made it so fun was when we came up with idea of the sepaus game board because as I said we thought it was going to be a very fun way to make are project good and have a good mark. 

Another project that I think I did good on was the metaphor machines this was also a group project but this time this project was less fun and more serious this project was all about making a Rube Goldberg machine. 



Maker this year was a roller coaster there was different things form last year there was a new aspect of Maker that was not there last year at least, this was the First Film project where you had to make a documentary and also make little film as well. The one thing that’s always happens is not my favourite but its a classic so we have to do it. Anyways Maker this year was different in the aspect of how much work we had to do in Maker. Maker this year was on an off for me this year in work aspect, DI was sort of weird because in the subject I was put on in Role Play so it did not cause any homework unless just researcher the different festivals or bring boxes to school, so when it came to making are documentary’s it was sort of a wake up call when we had to do all the filming and different movie skills because that took a lot of work to edit the mini movies. This things I did good on in maker was the documents in my opinion because yes it was short but I fell like it was edited well and had a lot about Mt.Seymour little league. There is not much to show you in media wise here because they are all like videos and that will take basically all my time. The first film project is defiantly the most interesting and the most fun to be in class in with the Doc a Day segments and the mini movie we had to do with groups or by yourself the one thing that I really enjoyed making and watching was the interviewing I did with Landon and Erik.  Continue reading TPol

A War

Hello everyone today we are going over the project that I finished called A war to End all Wars this was about I certain Canadian war that then you had to make into a comic that was fully  coloured and drawed up. 

The start 

So at the start of this project we started with doing of course the introduction to the WW1 and learning things about what did word war 1 do that was affected and what happened in WW1 after that we got introduced into a book we had to read called World War 1: 1914-1918 sound pretty boring but it was pretty good actual it was comic so it was something I was not complaining about read it, the book was basically about all the important was that happened in WW1 also that was all about the Canadian aspect. After the book we got into these groups that I thought was going to about the whole project but all we had to do was make a 5 W’s chart and tell your group what you found about he war. After we got to know a little bit about WW1 we watched a film called 1917 it won like 3 Grammys or something like that it was very good and I could definitely see what the book and the movie had in common but the movie was definitely better then the book for sure. After the movie we had to start doing the project and that was the comic that was fun but also very tuff and very time consuming it was very hard to make the scene look what you want them to look. I almost forgot my comic topic was about the Givenchy war at first I thought it was the whole war but it was just the Canadian part of it so my research was a little off but at this time I could not really change it so I had to research and do the comic at the same time because I was running out of time but after a lot of grinding we finished but not quite in time. 

Driving question 

How can I support an understanding of WW1 and it’s affect on Canada within a comic panel?

So this is the first driving question I think I can answer this question by saying make you panels detailed and make sure of course that you have the right information on what Canada did in the horrible battle of WW1. 

 How can a graphic novel support my understanding of WW1?

I thought the book was great because I like learning in those types of ways so I thought that’s as a great thing t learn off of. But the real answer is that the book had a lot of seating details that the movie did not have and also the book had key things on what happened in teh topics w had to chose from as well. 


After you have Read all of that you get to see my final comic that I did. As you may know it was on the Givenchy war. 

Metaphor Machines

Scimatics blog post 

Hello everyone today is the blog post about scimatics and the metaphor models, this project  was about making rude Goldberg machines and also doing the stupid math. 

The start

The start was the very hard to get because the math was very hard to understand and to get still don’t know much about it 😬. Anyways the start was all like worksheets and all of that stuff, I can’t lie the worksheets were not that bad they were very interesting at some parts, other were very boring. The page to  there right is mostly what the work sheets look like you read the pages then you work on the pages we got assigned. After all the work sheets and all of that we had to get into the labs, these labs we sort of tuff to understand at first then got fairly easy to get. The labs started off with getting a group together and making a wire contraption like this on you right. So after to put the words together on the battery you had to get the volts,Ohms and amp on the circuit (yellow thing). After the IRL diagram you had to make one in the PHET simulator  the one at third down Is what the PHET looks like. 

 Driving Question 

What factors affect the function and efficiency of electric circuits?

The driving question is in my opinion the lab part about project also with the final part which I have not been to yet that will be a different section. So the lab part was where we all got into the circuit and all the electrical stuff so that where we got the circuit from, then the function and efficiency was from the rude Goldberg machine because we had to find efficient ways to connect are pieces together also it of course has to function. 

The Goldberg Machine 

The whole main project was around the fact that we had tot make a rude Goldberg Machine and presage tit to the class with a voice over in slow-motion. The start of the gold berg machine was that we had to make a diagram on some idea of the machine you what to have on your machine, then after that we came to as a group and decided what idea where good and that you wanted to put on your bored. After all of the organizing stuff we went out and got a piece of paper and drew a scale diagram on what it would look like, then we painted and then we got to start building. The start of the building part was definitely the hardest because we had no idea what we should do or any techniques that we had at the time. After we got all the techniques it was sort of a Bree’s from there. Here was the final project. IMG_1537 that is the final results. 

Case For Nation

Case for a Nation 

🇨🇦How can an understanding of nationalism of the past, help us make sense of today?🇨🇦

Hello everyone this is are last post until spring break which is very hype. The project we did was all about Nationalism and how things for the past correlate to now.  

To start us off lets get to the very start of this project, we started this off right when are semester switched, it was a little weird for me because in are first semester we had are main class first then we had a fun class after. For this semester we have the opposite so fun class first then are main class and all that jazz, I don’t like this because when we had the harder class first then we get are award for say like foods or something like that. Anyways the first thing we did for this project we started off with defining nationalism and making us comfortable with the project, how we got to know what nationalism is we started be righting on the bored a definition of the word Nationalism, after we got into reading a little passage about like German nationalism we had to right on where the it was, when, consequences, how it happened. After this part we started to get into the whole main part on what Nationalism is and also what identity means. One of the best parts in my opinion is the Current Events, I liked those because I just got random facts that I can make a conversation with my family, like the whole Russia, Ukraine thing my brother was very interested in the war so I could actually keep up with the conversation. I was the first day to do the Current Event and at the time were this Running Back named Alvin Kamara was doing some bad stuff so my current event was on him and his battery in Las Vegas. This one a great part to start this project off because it was something we have not seen in PLP and in my opinion it was great. The current events helped with public speaking and you presenting skills, it also like I said it great for learning facts about todays world that I would never know. After all the current events happened it was all about the project. So one of the things I enjoyed was the historical perspective, it was just taking about say like Gassy Jack or John A MacDonald, we talked about how if it was controversial or was he a good past Canadian,I think Gassy Jack was a weird-o because he married a 14 year old. The john A thing is very controversial so I’m not going to say anything🤫.   

So after the whole Historical Perspective thing we got assigned to make 3 pictures one that was a drawing over a black and white photo, then a choice which you could do anything you want, then last was a quote you had to do. This part of the project was kind of rough because I  only had 3 days or something so very rushed. I could have definitely down better in the photo area. So I only did two picture the draw on one and the quote. At the very end of the project we had to manage them to go onto instagram and then make are own little post that was all about Louis Reil. 

How can an understanding of nationalism in the past, help us make sense of today?

The driving question was of course the top of the start of the page “ How can an understanding of nationalism in the past, help us make sense of today” . The way this driving question helped make sense today in probably the way we made Canadian legends and other into an art piece, also the main part f the project is to get information in a deferent way, which actually pretty cool. 


Thank y’all for reading once again. Here is the instagram page on were the post are. https://instagram.com/historicalperspectives2022?utm_medium=copy_link

Loon Lake

Well, well, well this was an adventure. Loon lake is this learning advance we did were we go to this retreat it’s called and basically do school work that is more fun and also none school things. 

Day 1– Day 1 started by u sitting in a class room just waiting for 12:00 so we could go on the  bus and get to loon lake, the bus was not the most comfortable thing ever because we sat right next to the engine and that was so hot I was dying it was so bad, just image yourself inside a sauna for 45 mins. After we arrived at loon lake we had to go to this little stage sort of thing but it was outside, we had a little conversation about rules and bounties. After that we got into groups and we went on a nature discovery walk, we had a piece of paper off things we had to find. The only thing was that the forest and stuff was a across water so we had to go on this portable farry, the farry was dry tuff to pull because you had to pull yourself with the rope that was soaking wet and freezing, we had a race to see who’s group was the fastest and my group won by a little bit. After we got across the water we wen and followed this path and could not find like anything on the piece of paper. After that we had to get are clothes and stuff like that, and also looked at are rooms. Now it was dinner time sand this was highly anticipating because I was absolutely starving. The dinner was lasagna and that was bussing like i was almost dying for more, it also came with garlic bread and a dessert. After we did dinner we had a little bit of free time and then ended the night with just chilling on my phone. 

Day 2- This day started off a little rough because we had to wake up around 7;00 for breakfast and I never eat breakfast that early. The breakfast was French toast, pancake and sausages with a side of fruit. After breakfast we got into are DI groups and we just did a bunch of DI at this point my throat actually started to act up a little but nothing to make me feel uncomfortable or anything but anyways I just thought right by it and just moved on in my day, that brings us to making forts in the forest, so yet again we had to go across the stupid farry bridge thing and again my hands we freezing once again. So then we met up with this fort instructor and she taught us a little bit about survival and how to build forts. So we got grouped up and started to  build, my team decided to take the high group and work from there. The forts got off to a rough start but then we got some mojo and went on so if we could use none dead stuff we would put like moss and stuff on there to get protection form all the weather but we could just use dead stuff to male this fort. Day 2 was actually a light day for work, it was more like to have fun and bound with your classmates with actually learning stuff. Around 5 something we had dinner and that was burrito’s, at this point my throat was actually not good it felt weird drinking water and all of that, also my back was very bad to. When dinner came around I did not have much appetite because of my throat, so after dinner I wish I told someone sooner because my throat was actually not feeling good at all so I still didn’t tell anyone, so it was becoming the end of the day and it got really bad and i finally told a duty aid and thats when we had to go into are cabins and get talked to about how we are feeling and of course I told the truth and said that my throat is very bad. Then the principal said that I should stay in my room with my friend Xander who was also not feeling welling to. Luckily we we in the same room so we just chilled in there on till the morning when I woke up felling way worse and sadly had to go home, which was actually s bad because the next day was the day they played laser tag and bubble soccer.

After Math

After this whole thing I got I unfortunately had Covid 19 which was very unfortunate because I  really missed the Loon lake adventure. I learned that I should tell someone even though if it doesn’t go your way you still need to tell the truth and be honest. 


Hello everyone lets begin with introducing my mom and dad to the teachers.

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

So we are going to talk about each project that happened this year in grade 9 there was 6 total projects so far through this semester, 3 were in Humanities and the other 3 were in Scimatics. The first project we started off the year with was People in the Environment this project was mostly about how to write a letter the most proper way but that not just it we had to do a lot of stuff to get to that point and one thing I had a tuff time on was the Commonlit work it was very confusing and I just did not get it, it was very hard for me to keep up with this work and I might have gone to a couple morning classes to get it down, and I may have not gone to one got into a little bit of trouble from that. Here’s a little example of some Commonlit writing.  So basically you had to read a passage that was sort of long and  then answer questions about the passage yes it sounds easy which it was but then there was a different workbook thing and it was quite hard if I say so myself.  Looks like this.

The whole main part of this project was a to make a letter to a make the environment better so my main topic was to try to make the forest fires less likely by making mor ads in social media because that’s were most of the younger generation is and that the people that are going to take over the people jobs now, the person I wrote the letter to was to John Horgan. The letter was a big proses we had lots of reflections and a lot of grammar mistakes, so I stated by doing a rough draft and that was decent but definitely not great at all so we had to fix it. We did do that and yes it came out to be a great little letter.      So this was the final project, I could not find any rough drafts on the letter but this is the final one that got sent to John Horgan.

Some things I did great on in this project is the letter it really did make sense to make more advertising form the forest fires because the Okanogan really needs work on the forest fire part because every year it seems there is a massive forest fire. I also did well in taking feedback form my teachers and actually making that into a good letter. Some thing I needed to improve on in this project was definitely the Commonlit workbook things because I was way behind in that.


The next project was for Scimatics and it was a group project, I was with Mateo and Landon I will put a link to there blog at the end of the post, this project was about exponents laws and we had to make a bored game about it. I’m very proud of this project because it was very well executed and it was very fun to. So this project started off with meeting my new teacher Mr.Harris, then we got into partners and we started by doing this little game on a white bored where you had to start off with just 1 dice and make a game from that then we had 2 dice so we had to make a game from that then lastly we had to make a game from 2  dice and +- Multiplication and division. After that we got into the actual project were we assigned to make a rough draft on the game we were going to make, I will just show you the real game rules so it does not get confusing. Those are the game rules that we created at first the game was very confusing even for me but you really just had to play it and you would understand. So after we got the game rules done we decided to make the game bored, the game bored had some inspiration from one of are friends Sepaus by the way he did allow us to do that.

I think the project went really well we had great teamwork and also great skills as you can see, the one thing I could improve on is probably the work sheets and staying on task, even though we did get a good mark I would say stay on task.

So far throughout these to projects my growth as a learner was very good but the only thing was heading in work on time.

The next project we stared was the Revolution on Trial project were the main part was to make a court case about some sort of revolution that we got given. This project was also another group project, the project first started off solo though then got into the groups.

Nation X

So the project started off very fun wit this thing called Nation X, Nation X was this role play almost, so there was a group of peasants, shop owners, cops, and the royalty. The royalty could do anything while the peasants and the store owners did not have much freedom. Anytime the Royalty did not like anything they could just send you to jail, I myself was a peasant and are only duty was to write an 100 word essay everyday, but the catch was that the peasants could make there own rules for there section. So days went on with yes action well unless to count me going to jail every second but days went on and finally the king stepped down and makes him second man the new king an that were me and Mateo talked to the old king and said let’s rush the capital and take, over so we formed a big group and we just stormed it and actually took it over, they we planned to build a wall and take half of the land. They Ms.Maxwell shut it down because it got quite intense with a bunch of people arguing that there side was better, then we had to calm down and discuss what are land had to offer, so the group I was telling the complete truth, like we are all the same we don’t have any royalty of anything just food, water and a dream, but the other side was very not realistic they said they had a farming system and building and all of that crap so I think are side won but thats just me.

So after that we started to get into are actual group for are court case and all of that good stuff, so my Revolution was the French Revolution with so we had to start this project by reading a book called animal farm, the book was about how animal wanted to start a Revolution on the farm owner because he did not treat them well at all and they wanted a revolution by there old leader Old major who sadly died Rip. Every chapter we had to write a little chapter summary so it could help us on the long run which actually was very smart because it did help me we the end of the book test, which was a 1 hour test that you had to write as much as you can about animal farm.that’s what the chapter summary looks like. So after the whole animal Farm, then we got into the actual court case now for sure this time, so we started by creating a Graphic organizer which was basically creating a little organizer on what happened, main events, main people, key triggers.  This was pretty rushed because I cant lie   I was very confused because I did not have enough info of I was not listing one or the other really it does not look bad but there is not much info there and it definitely could have looked better. The next thing we did was getting into crunch time the winter Expedition was coming up and we had to work I say work, so basically we were just making lines for each other to get the court case Mock trail a ready, the first trail we did was just the French Revolution and thats it they we had a dress rehearsal and presented in front of the whole class and that was a day before the actual Winter Expedition, so I only had a couple lines to say because we had a big group but I still helped the team out and all of that. So it was the day of the winter Expedition and everyone is nerves and saw some who were excited but ya know I cant lie I was a tad nerves but thats normal, so a lot of the time there we were waiting until we had to present.

I think I had a lot of growth from this project I got to be in a group with people I normally with and also be more out to public speaking and have a fun way to make a project. I could not reflect on the learning plan because it was blocked but thats alright.

The next project is in Scimatics and it’s called Correlation vs Causation this project was about getting feedback from people and putting it into graph and making a presentation out of it.

We started this presentation out with getting partners to work with i choose ewan and Landon which was maybe not the best choice but we got it done. Then we started this project off by asking my classmates what thee height was and there finger length then we put that into a numbers document and then it either had a correlation or a causation. After that we had to make a theme for are presentation. So are first theme was very bad it was like angry birds and green beans and some other dumb stuff but then we were thinking that is actually so dumb and we went full sweat mode and did swimming and cramps and screen time to sleeping hours and that is what made us get a great mark. So hear the photos of the final product so there is not many for thing to talk about in this project because it was very simple but just time consuming. This project for me was not a it was just that I was very distracted by my group members that it tho i did everything else good.

The last Humanities project so far this year is about Poetry the project is called working with words. This project was probably the shortest one we had it was like 2 weeks and we just had to write a poem  everyday well a different one of course. This project started of by learning about poem and how to read poetry and at the end of every class we had to create 1 or 2 poem to make into your book creater, book creater is a an app that basically makes it easier to create a book so after we did every poem we had to make the book so every page there needs to an Comprehension text as well as a text, photo, gif anything like that. We also had to make a poem with 4-5 other people and share that to are parents at the very end of are project, anyways the book creater thing was very fun but also not because I had to stay up a little to late to finish it where talking like 12;30. Anyways I will stop with the talking and i will let you see my Book creater.

so my growth on this project was very good i was basically always on Time with my work and I also think that I’m also very good at making books because this one is very good, also it exited my horizon to making poetry i still dont really like it but its there if I need it.


The last project in this mPOL is another Scimatics project and this one was the hardest yet this one was definitely the one that took the most time the most skill and the most effort. The project we did was we had to animate a whole two story’s about Bohr models.

So before we even got close to start animating we had to do sooooooo many workbooks and they definitely were not small either it was a full workbook and we had to do like 6 or something and were not even at the animation part. So mid way through the project we started to get closes to the animation stage but still not near, we had to make a story bored which was not easy coming up with two whole story’s, so after that I spent a lot of time looking up the time span of an phosphorus and all of that it was not easy at all. So after we did all the story bored stuff we went on to start animating finally right? I was trying to figure out what app to use because keynote is way to hard and it was so time consuming I just could not do it , so I decided to go to this app cauldron FlipaClip it was way less confusing but maybe a little bit less of a quilty animation then keynote. So after day’s and days of grinding we finally finished with just balmy any time to spare. So here it is. IMG_1333 just click on the link and you will be there. My growth on this project was to make more space for every school work like humanities and scimatics because both of them interfered with each other.

If you made it this far thank you have  have a great day.




French Revolution blog post

Hello everyone today we are going to talk all about my French Revolution which was part of my Winter Expedition. The Winter Expedition is basically a project were you present to your parents in a different way like my was doing a court case on the French Revolution. This was a great experience for me and opened my horizon to different things like open speech and group work.

Evidence of learning 

So we started this project on Nation X which was basically a very cool way to learn about Revolution. The game worked by dividing the class in half then we divided into Peasants, Store owners, Cops and Royalty then we all had jobs like the peasants had to right an 100 word essay everyday sort of that type of stuff, me my self was a peasant. So as the game went on the king was being abused by the other people in the town so he decided to step down and that when most of the peasants we making a plan to rush the capital and so that is what we did we stormed and soon toke it over and built a wall to get away from all of the royals we didn’t like. Then we had to make this thing called Crane brinton diagram were we had to make a little drawing on the Crane Brinton theory, the theory was the was 4 stages to the theory, 1 was the Incubation Stage, 2 was the Moderate Stage, Stage 2 was the Crisis Stage and finally 4 was the Recovery Stage. The was the drawing I did.


Now after the Crane Brinton thing we move on to this book called Animal Farm the book is about animals wanting to kick out there owner because he was not good at all this correlation for the project is  that the animals wanted revolution because they wanted rules and to be treated like everyone else, we had to right a little chapter summary on what the chapter was about so I guess I will show you what that is about.  So after we finished the book we got into making a finally book response were we had 1 Hour to try and right as much down as we can that was about the Crane Brinton theory. After this whole Animal Farm thing we went into groups for the revolution you had to do for the the winter Expedition I got into French if you didn’t know. So the first thing we had to do was make an Graphic Organizer by yourself and with you group I will just show the groups because that was basically all of ares together.  Those are them.

Sadly I don’t have the video of  my court case but just imagine a theatre with kids in dress clothes talking about there case.


Thank you guys for watching byeee.

Correlation Vs Causation

Hello everyone today we are going to be talking about correlation vs causation well, maybe not talk about the whole thing, mostly the project. The main goal of this project was to get a bunch of people to do your survey that you had to make, then pick 4 question and see if they have causation or correlation to them. The way we made them correlate is by putting them into a numbers document and making a graph thats show that stuff.

Evidence of your learning

So, we started off are project with doing causation the project start mind map which is basically just little brainstorming app were you can put questions about the project. Here I will enter in a picture of one  so you can see what it looks  like. Then we had to do ask all of my classmates there height and there hand size then we put the content into a numbers doc and we see if are heights and hands sizes correlates. After that we started getting into the actual project which is of course the survey, the task was to make a survey plan and that basically means what your questions are going to be about so ares at first was quite dumb but we said how good are you at swimming and angry birds to green beans, i know did not make sense at all then we switched it to amount of time or sleep vs screen time and swimming and cramps so in my opinion much improvement there.

Curricular competency 

So this part I will go over all my marks so let’s go

The mind map I got a sun cloud which is around a c+ to a B you could say also on the survey plan I also got a sun cloud ⛅️ for the then for the correlation graph i got another sun cloud then for the final project I got an Sunny yay!!! So I definitely could have done better for sure i could have trued harder and also not be so focus’s on getting it done then making good work also i was most of the time very distracted and not focused in class so i had to rush at home to finish the work but the all around grade turned out well so thats all that matters


thank you guys for reading this project appreciate and byeeeeeee 👋


The Letter

The letter 

Hello everyone and welcome back to the second blog post of this school year and it’s about humanities the whole topic of the this project was to create a letter about something to do with the environment, then you have to said it to a government professor like John Horgan, or any high up local government. 

So the topic I went to is forest fires in the Okanogan, because in the past couple of years the topic has been very brutal and actually very sad because so many people hav e lost there homes and there lives form careless people turning there BBQ on or dropping there cigarettes. That brings me to where my whole project revolves on which is advertising for forest fires, which means basically put some stuff online to prevent those careless people from doing that stuff, a fact is that 56% of people use social media for more then 2 hours a day. 

Evidence of your learning 

So there was a new system for milestone for this year in humanities which is you do little stuff to get to one big milestone so the first one that came to mind is the common lit’s that we had to do for basically the how project the first ones we focus on is the reading which was you had to read a story and finish multiple choice questions. Then the other moon lit stuff we had to do was common lit sentences starters which was basically you had to read this little paragraph and do a little sentence starter to make a sentence. Other thing we did was we got to interview Dennis Thomas and Megan Curren which was pretty cool to see there side on what they do for a living and how they got to where they are today. 

Curricular competencies 

So I think I could have done a lot better in this part of the project, I do feel like i try my hardest though I went into all of the morning thing besides one which I’m not going to lie I might have skipped but I learned a lot form this project it helped my share my ideas more also helped my writing skills but don’t get my wrong I definitely could have done better. 

After you guys stop reading this I want to you to look at my letter I saved this for last because i’m the most proud of this, this took a very long time and a lot of redoing and revising so hear is the LETTER!!!!!!!