My none copy right photo

This page is about how I catch and none copy right photos as you can see right here this is like a tracing that I made from a photon off the web but i made it my own so i don’t think that is copy right, right?


so anyway this blog post is just about my love about baseball which if your my teacher you probably already now that but i am making it for not just my teacher so ya I like baseball I’m a catcher and I play for north shore minor and i also play on a travel team called Big League Experience I have went to Vegas and also i go to a camp in Oliver in Kamloops i think so ya thats my baseball career.

All about baseball

Hello again this blog post is all about baseball I am a catcher for gathering North shore Minor League I just tried out for the highest league in North shore on Monday so I am waiting to see if i made it or not

I love baseball i have been playing it for so long and found a love for playing it and watching it. My favourite player are Jose Bautista who is retired, Galvin Bejooi who is the 2ed baseball for the bluejays. I love BackCatching it probably is my favourite position because your always in the game and you have presser to do the right thing and all of that. This YouTube link right here is the catcher and the pitcher just bullpening the video is at the bottom. So the video to me is so satisfying the snap on the glove is so satisfying, the pitcher is Clayton Kershaw one pod the best pitchers in the MLB in the past 8 or 10 years. I also really love baseball movie like the sandlot. My favourite Baseball clothing brand is baseballizm and lids I like  Basebalizm little better because it focuses on more baseball clothes where lids has ever sport in it. One last thing here is me hitting in my backyard



Thank y’all for reading another blog post 


Laser law blog post

Science blog post final

Welcome to the final blog post of Science/Math this project was about the laser laws and the Pythagorean theorem. Are plan was supposed to be very detailed and about Star Wars I will get more in detail when i tell you about the actual project and not just the the intro. 


Project plan📖  

 So the plan for the project was that we were going to to make the inside f the Death Star, you know the seen where all the x-wings are going in the Death Star and there trying to destroy it by going in to the line thingy so  we went with it. We where going to start with just a normal triangle that’s pretty boring then David said we should do something that’s would be more eye pleasing also harder then just making a triangle. 

Building knowledge🤓

We did lot of milestones over this project i think we did over 6 milestones and those where about the Pythagorean theorem and like how it works and all of that. So when we finished the project we started to realize that create ping the laser and putting them in the right place was very hard but also quite fun. I find that if its more hard and enthusiastic and heart renching it will come out to be and more fun because you have a bond with your teammates. Example, i am in French for my other class this term and we had to this final project and we wanted to do it all in one take and it was very nerve-racking but we got it done and it was very fun as well. 


So when we started the Death Star thing and i had no idea what was going on because David had the whole idea of the Death Star thing because he is an Star Wars nerd. He even made a stop motion movie with lego Star Wars. Then when we started to go i finally got it and we did pretty well I think. We started and we were kind of confused and a lot were very distracted but me Davis and Judah where locked in. When Judah was gone he was supposed to bring the tape but he was sick so all we had was hot glue and a dream.

Develop and critique 


When we finished the project are a little critique as you can see in the bottom right. What is basically saying is that we need was to focus better and make the Pythagorean theorem better so basically better. Hear on some things I can improve on, I can improve on helping my team better and understanding the the whole project better and also not be so lazing and do my freaking work!!!!!!!!! My team was a pretty good for work wise but i would say that we needed some motivation 😂 

Present and reflect

So we did not really present are project it was basically just a display but everyone was looking at are thing 😆 ( maybe because it was the first one) . Even if we did present i think we would do pretty well but we didn’t so nobody know’s. The reflecting part so I guess that i am I’m doing it right now so i don’t think know if i am doing good right now so you can feel free to comment and see how am doing, that will be much appreciated. 


Thank you for reading my last blog post of science 🧪 i really liked this term because it was very interesting and well as the projects where very fun some times the homework was very had but mr.gross was super chill about it and a got through it. 

 Thank you Mr.gross

Science blog post

Tectonic chances blog post 

Hello again, I finished my projects lessgo!!!!!! Well not really I still have to present are project, but that’s going to be very fun because think are game can actually go far if we had a little more time well and more money. The best thing about  finishing the project is that winter heckling break is right around the corner actually its like i am at the corner right now.


So on the right or top or left wherever it is that is the finished product. We have 36 playing cards, 40 -+ tokens and one dice. So we were thinking from the start to do this idea with two other people Gwen and Luca but then Mr. gross told us its going to be are desk partner so we were kind of disappointed that we could not work together because I  would stay we had pretty good chemistry. So the first couple milestones where just science textbook then there was a stepping stones that was pretty good here is a picture, its the bottom one, what the stepping stone is is you put all the things you new in this brain storming thing but for me it was quite fun, it was kind of confusing at first 

Because I had no idea ho do do more lines but at the end it was good because I learned how to make the lines easy to more and just press the one line button so it was quite easy. The fished project was really good everyone that played are game said it was pretty good the only thing that was problem was i feel like are game we went into to many minus points so we really did not game the game really going. Anyway the game was very fast pace and fun we adding on more tokens because there was not enough f0r sure 

Thing I learned 

So i have learned that tectonic plates are very important to the world because they can destroy the world, how you ask, if a big plates slippers or slides they can cause an earthquake or a tsunami and if they are big enough they can destroy the whole hecking world 🤯. So they are pretty important.

PS. Thanks Dana for being a good partner 


Last blog post for humanitys

Final blog post on medium is the message

The is is my final blog post for medium is a message🥳. That also means that this is the last day of PLP English😢. So anyway the post is going to be about my final ad with my group and also going to talk about the driving question. 

How Does What We Hear, Read and see Influence Us? I think the question is that all you have to do is listen to the people around you and they will help you learn and become a better learner or listener. I also think that that if you put the work in they you can do anything.  

Final advertisement

 This this is my advertisement for my group, I think are ad is very good because we put in a lot of work pooling ideas in also we put in a time in are day to take some pictures of some of the food and drinks that honey has to offer also we had to agree to ever design we had, we had to take ideas from ever design we had and put it into that one ad. I think this ad is very good because it is very unique. If you look at the ad there is honey tripping from the top of the page going on to the coffee and the doughnut. We used the portrait thing on the camera to make sure the coffee/Hot chocolate and doughnut but then we have a hint of deep coves ocean in the back of the picture. We added the honeycomb in the top right and top left to ad a little different thing to it. We added two different fonts and also the picture is portrait style.


So the milestones started off very confusing 1,2,3 where just easy but hard, well I would say confusing I did not really get how do to them because probably i was not paying attention or just simply i did not get it. The first couple milestones I had to revise because it was always to short, after that we started r]to work with are groups more often which is way better for me because I like brainstorming idea with my group and figuring out stuff with I group of some sort.

Raping it up 

So this is the end of my blog post sorry i did not get it out well there was a due date but its hear so thanks for reading my blog.

Screen time project (Science)

Science and Math

Hey there again, this blog is for science and math and what we have done in the past 2 weeks or so. Are project that we have been doing Is counting how much screen time we use in one week with all of are devices even TV who uses those  things. 

So the first part we had to do is just practice the fractions math, we did this work sheets to practice for the numbers doc and really just knowing how to do fractions again, because the last time I did it was in grade 6 maybe I cant even remember that’s how long ago it was. 

Now Mr. Gross told us about the Numbers doc and how to add all the numbers and also told us how to make the doc basically do your math for you it was pretty cool how it does the math for you, One because you don’t have to do math and second you don’t have to do math 😂. 

So the milestones are pretty fun because it does not take so long to do the work and also we experience my first quiz in high school but I bet there is going to be a lot more to come. I feel like the quizzes where easy but I did get mess up quite a bit on the testes but luckily they where not towards markets on the project.

Final project 

So as you can see at the top right of your screen there is a very colourful table the table is about my weekly screen time. The table is all the numbers and all of the screen time categories as in IPad, IPhone, Tv but nobody uses that, computer, sports and sleeping. My total screen time for my whole week is 56.75 Hours😳. Most of my hours is from my computer which literally has no productivity so I got to work on that. So that is my recap on my project tank for sticking around.

My User Manual

Reflections on my user manual. The first reflection is when the project first started i really did not know what was going on i was kind of confused 🤷‍♂️, then by milestone three i really got to get the project and put in hard work. When it was the first station we learned about the Memoji laptop I was really excited to work on the laptop. I thought my laptop was very good it was subtle but really good in my opinion. We are on to the user manual part, I think my right up part was very unique and funny with my humour. I got a pretty good reflection from Mis.Maxwell she said it was clever and well written.        At the right of your screen hear is my Memoji laptop it is like what i cold you very subtle but its out there



Brand: Student-Baseball Player 

Model: Cole Douglas-Pluff



Congratulations on your new favourite PLP student, Cole Douglas-Pluff or just Cole for short. A little fun fact Cole has so many nicknames his mom has made him, they all can’t be named! Your new student will come with these functions, including:

    • Being easy to teach
    • Funny in the class room 
    • Respect in all circumstances 
    • Great in all team work 
    • Has a great sense of humour 


Before you access Cole you will need a bucket of Jolly Ranchers! Just kidding… you will need nothing, but those Jolly Ranchers are much appreciated. 


You can access Cole basically every minute of the day besides lunch because he will be at Myrtle park every day when it is sunny or not raining. Cole does move around the school a lot when there are stations or just for the bathroom. 

After school Cole has text or email but he is not the best with email but will answer text most of the time. Coles email is Cole is extremely good at knowing how to not do his homework because he prefers watching YouTube and playing video games or just simply ignoring the fact that he has homework but as you can see, Cole finished his homework eventually!!!!!!! 

Cole is a huge user of social media. He does everything from YouTube to Snapchat to Instagram, but not Facebook, that is for old people like his Mom. Coles favourite social media is Snapchat because he can talk to his friends really easily.


Cole has three primary settings: a student, a baseball player and a gamer.   

Setting 1 Student 

This mode is every day besides the weekend because weekends are for “the boys”. Student mode is 8am until 3pm and then a little after that for of course the “good old homework” if needed. 

Setting 2 baseball player 

After school on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 4 Cole go to baseball practice. When its the weekend Cole goes into full on baseball mode on until Cole automatically goes into video game mode where he can zone out and grind with his favourite games. Cole does need to practice more baseball to get use to his wood bat and practice his blocking drills in his position as Back Catcher 

Setting 3 video gamer

When Cole is done with school or baseball Cole goes into full video game mode and Cole play with his friends and zone out and play all the games that he loves such as COD ( Call of Duty), Fall Guys, Valorant and 2k20. 


    • will get off track 
    • Is quite shy at some points
    • Loves louder noises it lets Cole focus 
    • Likes to talk a lot
    • is also pretty quiet 


Isn’t do the work sheet and i want to do it on my own. Ask the teacher in class or by text or email to help you.
Cole Forgot the homework. Ask a friend or the teacher.
When your iPad is always dead and you never charge it. Get a charger and plug the darn thing in the wall and be ready for school 

Tips and Tricks for People to be Friends with Cole 

    • give him candy preferably jolly rancher 
    • be a good friend 
    • Hopefully you like sports or baseball so we can talk and play baseball 
    • Play video games like call of duty etc.
    • Have social media so we can talk.