The Funnest PLP Project to date
This Project was amazing, It was the perfect amount of work, fun, creativity and learning. As all of our projects in PLP start with a driving question. This one was “How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design? I think that the answer to the question is are game because in this project when we created our game we answered the game because the question is to create a game and show them.
Thought a project we have milestones to help answer the question and to help with the milestones we have stepping stones. These all help us answer the driving question which is creating a game that uses tectonic plates as the main focus.
Evidence of my Learning
Milestone 1
for the first milestone we were told to come up with a game Idea to get the creative juices flowing. We were put into groups of four and were given a white board to experiment. Our group was super psyched about our game and we thought that we had our final game. We were very wrong. To say the least, our final product almost had nothing in common with our final project.
Milestone 2
This milestone 2 was probably one of the hardest milestones me and my partner endured. We had to come up with 10 ideas on how tectonic plate related terms or vocabulary to apply in our game. We had a good idea on what our game would be about but we didn’t have 10 terms. This is where we had to dig deep and use our current knowledge on how to squeeze in some more terms.
Milestone 3
This Milestone took a little turn from the board game aspect of this project but a necessary one. Here we were quizzed on what we knew about tectonic plates using a website called Khan Academy so there wasn’t much to this one except a little test
Milestone 4
Milestones 4 was a sign that we were reaching the end of our project. Here we had to hand in our final game rules. Most of the groups at this stage hadn’t really worked on their boards that much so it wasn’t really the final rules. It would eventually get handed back to us and we would eventually revise it.
all and all the only evidence you need to see of my learning progression is my game board. I wouldn’t of been able to create this board with my old knowledge of tectonic plates and natural disasters.
Milestone 5
Milestone 5 was the final product we had created our board, the cards, tokens, it was all completed. We had to take a picture and send it to showbie and just like that, the work portion of this project was finally done
Curricular Competencies
This competency was all about our evidence and how it affected our game. Again, the key concept is to creatively create a game that’s central idea is tectonic plate movement and that game prices clearly represent tectonic concepts. I thought that me and my partner did a great job of this. Our pieces were big and colourful and clearly represented the theme of the game
Questioning and Predicting:
This one was all about using class time effectively without distractions. I thoughtI did good on this competency. I had the occasional chat with other table but most of the conversation was about our games or about tectonic plates.
Understanding and Solving:
This was all about the math concept of the game. It wasn’t all science because when making any board game, everything is based on probability. For this competency it wasn’t my strong suit by any stretch but i could still use probability to determine the chance of drawing a certain card or a sequence of events.
Final Thoughts
All in all I thought this project was super fun. We got to create our own game from the ground up and it felt really cool. I thought that are game was really fun to play and it was really fun to make. I loved this project and I hope that we can do more like it!
Also HUGE thanks to my partner Kwosen for making this project as good as it was. You played a big role in this project and I’m glad to have had you as a partner (for a link to his blog, Tap here!)
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