Hello and welcome to my Blog Page, If your new, thanks for stoping by, and if your coming back thanks again. Today I want to talk about a new project in school called, ‘The Ultimate Design Challenge’. The name was a little deceiving at first because it was less of a challenge than I expected, nevertheless it was still a really cool project and super fun to work on.
The Overall goal of this project was to create a 3D object using a design software called Tinkercad, A user friendly website to help create an object. At first Tinkercad was really hard, but as I got used to it, It got much much easier. At first I wanted to make a town hall from the mobile game, Clash of Clans, but it wasn’t super apparent how the it optimized for volume, which leads me to my other point.
The object that we had to create had to be optimized in either surface area or Volume. The two concepts we were learning how to calculate. The object needed to be optimized like this or It wouldn’t meet the standard basic criteria.
I had no idea what to do, but later found a card in Basecamp with some suggestions. I decided to make a graphics card, optimized for volume. The graphics card itself had to small to fit in a gaming computer, but have a lot of internal space for important circuit boards. If you don’t know what a graphics card is, It essentially create what’s on your screen. Everything on your screen is created using a graphics card. Graphics cards may look different depending on what yours is made to do, but since I was making a gaming graphics card, It would be much bigger than an iPads graphics card or a laptops graphics card.
At first I created a big chunky rgb graphics card, not modelled any particular card, but I thought I could make it a little more realistic as my original design did not look a lot like other cards. Here’s a picture of my first design compared to my second one:
My second copy was a total re-design. It was modelled after the AREO ATR-1030, but has an Asus logo because I found the actual logo to complex to make. Instead of having 3 fans it has one with heat sinks. One of the requirements for the project is that it need 3 different shapes minimum. Mine were the triangles on the heat sinks, (all 30 of them), the cylinder in the middle of the fan and the numerous amounts of rectangular prisms.
Our final assignment was to create a presentation on the surface area and volume of the object. After a lot and I mean a lot of calculations of the card. Now, because the card was so complex in shape, I divided each shape and calculated them all separately to later than add them up in the end. Unfortunately there was a little bit of overlap, but that was OK because its all Approximate.
After a pretty nerve-wracking presentation I was really happy with the end of the project because I got an extending, which leads me to the competency portion of this project
Questioning And Predicting
This competency means that I stayed on topic most of the time and sustained a interest throughout the project. I think that like other projects I was proficient with this as I may have gotten distracted or bored sometimes
Scientific Communication
This competency means that I used proper grammar and scientific vocabulary. I think that I deserve a proficient on this as I don’t really use to much scientific grammar in my work
This one really means that I understood how to use Tinkercad and understand how to calculate surface area and how to calculate volume. I think I deserve a high mark for this one because I put a lot of effort and showed some extending calculation that was above the proficient mark
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