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Vibrant Video

Hello everyone that loves me! Welcome back to the notoriously satisfactory Life of Colton Blog. Today I will be sharing with you one of my favourite make a Projects to date, vibrant video. This project was an absolute blast, I’ve always enjoyed making and even more editing videos. The opportunity to showcase this little hobby of mine was super fun and I learned a ton throughout it. We were given a new challenge each week to create a video about a certain subject, activity, or style of filming. We went in depth and looked at different technical aspects of moviemaking in film new and old. Today I’m going to showcase with you something the world has never seen before, so grab your popcorn and your Dollar store snacks that you smuggled into the theatre and enjoy!


1. A simple story about YOU

The first post was a video about a hobby that you enjoyed. Since I haven’t been on the bike in a while I
decided to celebrate the opening season of the Whistler bike park with some clips of my biking last
season. Using the app Clips, we strung together a series of videos to create a as I like to call it, an edit.
Now unfortunately we had to use Clips. I think that Clips is not the greatest app to use when creating a
movie. The primitive and Basic affects and overlays make creating a tailored video to your exact vision
hard. Nevertheless I enjoyed looking back at pass clips and creating this piece of art.


2. Silent Movie

back in the days of early film the Pioneers of movie making used actual film and ran it through a projector. This means that there were no speakers to portray any such sound, this means that a live audience at a theatre would not be able to hear the voices of the actors. Until later on captions would not be included in films as overlays, so instead filmmakers had to physically cut the tape and insert Title slides with the words accordingly. For our next assignment we had to create one of these silent videos using the silent film filter in Clips. Fortunately for me, because of how primitive the style of the yearFor our next assignment we had to create one of these silent videos using the silent film filter in Clips. Fortunately for me, because of how primitive the style of video was, I was able to create a well-made Silent film using the skills I had learned last time such as a story and different camera angles.


The tutorial video has been a staple in Internet media since the Stone Age. In our next challenge we would plan out a statement and log The tutorial video has been a staple in Internet media since the Stone Age. In our next challenge we would plan out a statement and logline Which are like little summaries for statements about what the video is. The main purpose of this film was to learn how to make a storyboard And film the video accordingly. Using the new iMovie update we created a short how to video on how to make a how to video. A cool, quirky idea we thought at the time but later on it would turn out much harder than we thought it would be. The video speaks for itself, literally.

3. Special Effects Sequence

for challenge 4 me and a new group created a video highlighting special effects. We had learned in a previous class how do use green screen in an iMovie and we decided to create a cool video using that skill unfortunately it didn’t turn out how we expected it. Due to the scale of the needed green screen we had to use a pure white hallway so the results would’ve come out much more clean if we used a regular green screen. On the upside the story was very creative and I enjoyed writing and acting this one out.

That’s all the challenges we did for Vibrant Video. I really enjoyed this project, being able to showcase my video making skills was a blast. I hope that the new video making project is even more fun than this is. I really feel like I learned a lot about movie making, the technical aspects of moviemaking and video making And I feel like the skills will come in real handy When I have to make videos about anything.

W project.


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