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PLP Goes to Florida

I have a lot to say, but I usually make these things to long, so heres me jumping to case.

Imagine it’s the turn of the semester, and you’re jumping head first into a new project and you have no idea what’s going on. That would unfortunately be me. I found my way however and made this project one of my best. Here’s how it happened.

Driving Question: How do Disney theme parks shape and influence the cultural, economic, psychological, and social experiences of visitors? 

I know right what even in is the even is that.

Keystone 1. PKM Collection

Little known fact about Colton Wallin. Secretly, he’s a bit of an organization freak. Look at his craft if you don’t believe me.

Yes I am very proud of my craft organization skills.

So the job here is pretty simple. We had to choose 5 different pieces of evidence that contributed to our groups topic. My groups theme: Architectural Immersive Theming. In other words, “how do the buildings make you feel”. As I was saying, we needed to find 5 different pieces of evidence that contributed towards our topic (even though we had to only submit one which I thought was some bull feces, but whatever)

So here it is: I put a lot of effort into each individual one. I decided to showcase what I thought my strongest PKM was:

PKM showcase

Anyways after I had wiped my hands off after that IT WAS TIME FOR THE FUN STUFF

My favourite part of PLP is video creation. It’s kinda my thing.

You know whats kinda not my thing. Storyboarding and script writing. I think of it like teasing me. “Hey look, let’s do all of this thinking and preparing and not actually make it.” Of course I have to respect the process of it all. After all, we wouldn’t have a movie without it.

So we split the video up between my group members. Ines would do the “Once apon a time” and Galaxies edge. Cale would do the “Everyday” Part. Hannah would do the “Until one day” part. Makenna would do the “Until finally” Part. Yours Truly bestowed upon himself the task of doing a section on Cinderellas Castle and a section on the world of Avatar. Here’s my script I wrote for both.

All I had to do now was put it in motion.

Because PLP is so awesome, we got a trip planned to Florida (that almost didn’t happen the day we were supposed to leave), but it happened. If I talked about this trip I can assure you this blog would never end. But all I can say is I had a great time. Check out some of these videos if you want to see what my time was like there:

After a lot of B-Roll later (and slightly harassing my group members to shoot B-Roll every couple minutes) On the way back home. I thought I had enough footage.

#1 rule of filming. Get more film than you think you need. I found this out the hard way. I was so exited to edit my parts that on the first week of spring break. I finished both my parts (yes I was exited to edit film)

I found out after putting everything together I barely, just barely got enough B-roll to complete both parts.

I put a Lot of effort into my parts. I made sure that everything I filmed, from the positioning of my camera (I brought a gimbal), the the natural lighting, everything. Nothing was rushed.

If you also know Colton Wallin well, you’ll know that he things iMovie, despite what anyone said, is the worst editing software available on iOS. I do not care if Steven Spielberg used iMovie and created the highest grossing film of all time that changed the course of humanity. I would never use it. It’s just so primitive. That’s why I use CapCut and you should too!

I think my work stood out the most from my other group members, After putting all of my group members film together for one Final Cut (and creating this really cool logo)

I though I really put a lot of effort into this project and I feel like my projects just keep getting better and better from my Shakespeare video project where I directed the entire thing:

To this project about Disney, I put a lot of care and into my work by taking extra steps to ensure a quality job that Im proud of. However I can always be better. So whatever next project is, you bet I’ll put 110% into it or your money back.

SO Without further ado here it is (my part starts at 3:00 and ends at 6:02)

Oh and you’ll see a lot of features that I made myself in there just for kicks at 1:26 and 6:04. Just to prove to the audience that I was actually in Disney.

Ok thanks please watch ok:

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