For our first project in PLP 8 we made a user manual. This is my full user manual.


User Guide: King

Brand: Student and Teenager

Model: Cooper King, iOS 1.2 


Congratulations on your new fellow student and teenager, Cooper King 1.2, commonly referred to as, ‘Cooper’. Your new fellow student and teenager comes with functions including, but not limited to, the following:

. helping fellow peers if they are having trouble with anything

. focusing on the task at hand on most occasions

. getting completely and one hundred percent distracted on the task at hand on rare occasions


Before you gain access to Cooper 1.2, please disregard any racism, sexism, or any other prejudices, to maintain optimal performances. Cooper 1.2 is having trouble responding to anyone with any prejudices. Please do not maintain any prejudices around this device, because  we want our users want to have the best experience possible. 


Cooper is easily accessible during the day, please look at this devices daily schedule to find out where this device is, and when. The best times to reach this device are between 8:30 and 3:00


Student, Regular Person, Variety Of Things That The Maker Can’t Come Up With A Name For(VOFTTTMCCUWANF)

Setting 1: Student

This is the setting you will most often find this device in. This mode will be active from 8:30 to 3:00. Cooper will be either hard at work or completely and 100% distracted.


This setting covers a wide variety of things, true to its name. This setting covers reading, watching movies, watching TV, playing Video Games, playing Board Games, playing Tag, or any other games. In this setting, Cooper will be open to new ideas about games, a team player and will usually be a nice person, even if this device takes games very seriously. 

Setting 3: Regular Person

This is the setting that is most likely active when not during school hours. this Device takes shelter in the Blueridge neighbourhood. This device has a tendency of straying off to play with other devices taking residence in this neighbourhood. Tech support is trying to fix this glitch.


This device may…

. be prone to sarcasm

. become defensive at random times

. switch into regular person mode in the middle of school

. switch into VOFTTTMCCUWANF mode in the middle of school


Problem Solution 

Switches into Tell them to 

regular person revert back to

mode in the student mode.

middle of school if this does not work

with no warning please contact

a teacher device. 

Switches into Tell them to 

VOFTTTMCCUWANF revert back to 

Mode in the middle student mode.

Of school with no if this does not work,

Warning please contact a

teacher device


Fuel with soda and junk food,

Never bring up any prejudices, this device is extremely glitchy around people with prejudices. 


In this project I encountered some frustrations and some things that were easier. To answer the driving question, ‘how do I creatively communicate who I am’ I delved into the side projects and creating My User Manual. Some of my frustrations included coming up with settings, and putting what I wanted to say into words. Some easier things were some of the side activities that thought me how to structure my user manual and discover who I am and create my Memoji Laptop. One of my favourite activities was the WordPack Image. This is what that activity led to.


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