“Wh’re art thee Romeo?”

Holla ev’ryone and welcometh backeth to another blog post. Our latest project has been a project on Romeo and Juliet. I really enjoyed this project, and I’m excited to share our ups and downs as a group, where I think I learned the most, where I think I had a fail, and our final product with you. Overall, this is my favourite project so far this year so I’m very excited to write about it and tell you what I learned.

Our first keystone with a theme book. The way that we did this was to read through the script with some context, and we did some reading in class. I was really nervous about reading the Shakespearean language, so I push myself to volunteer almost every time in class. I think that this helped me understand the dialogue a lot better because I was actually having to pay attention to what was being said as I was actively involved in the reading. Down below, you can see the script that I highlighted with some important quotes that I would end up putting in my theme book.

In the end, my theme book definitely took more time than I would’ve liked to finish. I’ve been off more than I could chew, and I will definitely admit that I spent too much time working on it. In the end, I went to is past the due date when it was supposed to be handed in and while I am really proud of the work that I did for it I think that I did too much. A five-page assignment turned into a 13-page one. I really enjoyed watching the adaptations of Romeo and Juliet because it let me have a different perspective on how other people interpreted the play and how they recreated it. My favourite one was definitely Gnomeo and Juliet. I wanted to make sure that I had strong connections to adaptations as that was a key point from my understanding. You can check out the book below ⬇️

Next, we started working on our final product. This would be our own interpretation and adaptation of a specific section of Romeo and Juliet. The group that I was given chose to do the part when Juliet fakes her death, and it leads to Romeo’s immediate death. I think the way that we did it was really clever we used a modern-day cryo-chamber to try and re-create Juliet’s Fake death adaptation something that I would’ve changed about the way that we did the script would be to actually have it finalized before we started filming. We didn’t have a set storyline until probably a day after shooting and we had to piece it together. some of the shots that we had taken with not a clearer image in mind. This would be something that I would change in the future when filming, making sure that we have a clear plan before we start filming. In the end, something that I really learned about filming is that background music can change everything. While I was editing an only saw it as a cringey high school production until I added background music, and that changed everything. That was definitely a big takeaway for me, the power of background music. You can check out our final product below ⬇️

Overall, I had a lot of fun doing this project. I had a really good group and I’m so thankful for them. I really enjoy the theme book, even if I did go a little bit past time on it and I really enjoyed the work that I put into it. I think that I spent a lot of time and put in some good quality work. Our final product I’m really proud of our because we spent a lot of time editing and making sure that the audio is good. We wanted to have good production quality because I was something that was important to our group. One of my biggest takeaways from this is time management and making sure to have a clear plan before starting anything. Thank you so much for reading this post.

Best wishes,


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