Camera Angles Comic

I had fun with this little project. I enjoy photo/videography so this was cool. We learned about 6 different camera angles that were used in film-making. Our teacher Mr. Featherstone then took the class outside and gave us the rundown of what we were going to do. Half of the class would play a game with him while the other half of the class would experiment with camera angles and try and get shots of the kids playing the game. The games were pretty simple but getting the shots was harder than I thought. Because I had my phone with me I used that to my advantage by putting it down on the grass to shoot a time-lapse. We didn’t learn about time-lapses but I have shot many before and I thought it would be a nice addition to my collection of footage. I used my iPad to shoot all the shots we had actually learned about. I managed to get every shot I needed.

For fun I decided to make a short little compilation video with my footage. It actually turned out pretty good. Although it wasn’t necessary as today in class we experimented with Comic Life 3 and made a similar version of the camera angles sheet we received the class before. I just opened a template and I already knew I had the shots so I loaded them in, added some text and bang, all done!

App I Used : Comic Life 3

danielw • September 16, 2016

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