
Today in class we talked about grit. What is grit? Who has grit? Is grit good? We answered all those questions today. After discussing grit, we were assigned a little quiz. The quiz was designed to tell you your level of grit. Through 12 questions and a little but of math, I was given my grit level. I was a firm 4. I was happy with that. Is this quiz completely true though? Probably not, but it was neat to answer these questions and develop an answer.

I feel like the answer I got was pretty true. I have always felt the same way about myself as what showed in my score. I work really hard, but sometimes I get a little distracted. I think I show these skills best when working in a group project. I work really hard to make it a really awesome project, but when working with friends you are bound to get a little sidetracked. For the most part though, my projects/assignments turn out amazing, and I’m proud that that shows in my grades. If there is anywhere I could use this skills better it would be in projects/assignments that I am not particularly fond of. Sometimes, if the topic of an assignment isn’t up my lane I lose interest and my thoughts de-rail a bit. I need to work on keeping my interest levels high when working on these types of assignments. I think I can do that by finding something that connects to something I am fond of, in that topic. Here is an example…designing a terrain park in math. Just simple things like that. Overall, I have to keep up my grit, stay focused, and work hard.

danielw • September 22, 2016

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