So Much Revising…

Advertising, it surrounds us everywhere we go. Buy this, buy that, there is so much of it that sometimes we don’t even notice it. That’s why you have to be unique, and grab the audience’s attention. That’s just one of the many things we have been learning about at school throughout the past couple months. What techniques does this ad use? Would this ad appeal to you? All these questions have been answered and we are now in the midst of creating our own three advertisements. One for a tourist destination, another for a local business, and the last being an advocacy ad for earthquake relief.

Part of the process of making these advertisements is testing, seeing what works, and what doesn’t. Almost every day in class we show our newest draft for our ad, and get classmates to critique it. This means a lot of drafts, and a lot of revising. It’s a good thing we do this though, that way we can learn how much an ad is worked on before we see it while we’re out and about. Everything from cropping, to font choice is critiqued, so it forces you to be trying out different ideas to see if they work. Most of the time, an idea doesn’t work, and you must revise it, but that’s just part of the learning process, but the key is to know what is wrong, and how to fix it.

All of my ads have had various critiquing done on them and I have created loads of different drafts. As we are still working on this project, it will be interesting to see how different my final ad will be from the draft I am currently working on. I may develop new editing techniques as there are many different ways to create and edit an ad. I have used multiple apps to create my drafts. I don’t think many other people are using the same apps as me, and I like that. It means my add will be unique, that makes this whole project fun. All this work isn’t easy though, it takes quite some time to place different pictures and text on a document. Throughout this whole project so far, I think the beginning was the hardest. Trying to find a base idea for the ad was extremely difficult. I sat down for a good 30 minutes doing absolutely nothing other than thinking of ideas. Once I got them though, it was go time, and ever since them, I’ve just kept working.

danielw • October 25, 2016

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