An Assortment Of My Work

So here we are, student-led conferences. I’ve never really worried about any kind of conference, and to be honest, I don’t understand why some people do. If you break it down, all we’re doing is showing our parents what we have learned in school so far, and is that really scary to you? That’s what I’m saying. When kids go home every day their parents ask them “What did you do today?”. Just think of student-led conferences (SLC’s) as your parents are asking you that question…except answer this time.

Out of all the work I have done this school-year, I am most proud of the work I did surrounding Oregon. I worked so hard on just about every assignment and it payed off in the end product. Not only did I try hard, I had a lot of fun at the same time, so I was motivated to create the best work I could. It was to good of an opportunity to waste on average work. I definitely got better at my photo-editing skills while in Oregon. I really wanted to come back with some cool photos and I feel like I did. I also got better at this while creating the three advertisements we were assigned to create. If you want to read more about my amazing experiences in Oregon, click here to go to my full post.

Keeping with the theme of photo editing skills, I will now talk about how far I have come since the beginning of the school-year. I first began to edit photos when people like Luca and Lucas introduced me to cool apps that would let you edit apps in a cool way. I was hooked and that’s where it began. The first school assignment we got that involved editing was the advertisements assignment. At the time I thought my ads were really good, some of the best in the class actually, and they kinda were. However, when I look back at them and compare them to what I have recently made all I can do is cringe my eyes out. They are so cheap and un creative, and this just shows you how far I have come. Below are two advertisements. One I made in September and another I made in December. (Hopefully you can tell which one is which otherwise this whole paragraph was pointless)

Now to talk about Destination Imagination or DI as we like to call it. If there is one word to describe the month and a half of work spent on DI it would be stressful. So many deadlines and setbacks left us thinking it would never get done. This wasn’t just my group (Kiefer, Raina, Kai, Lucas) though, it was everybody. Actually, we were probably more ready than most groups, and that says a lot. We had a really good team, right from the start I could see us doing well as we had the right balance between good friendships and people who could get down to work. Over the course of working with this group I learned a lot about teamwork. I have always thought I am bad with teamwork and I work way better on my own. Not to say that isn’t true, but I don’t think I am as bad as I think. I went in to DI with a growth mindset, ready to showcase my talents and also build new ones. This really payed off because I feel like we did very well in the end. Sure it was stressful but if there wasn’t that added pressure we wouldn’t have had a drive to work. If you want to read more about this, click here to see a full post dedicated to Destination Imagination.

danielw • March 4, 2017

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